
>Edited books/ Special issues

Focus Issue Chaos 2024 Special Issue EPJST 2023 Special issue on Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions 2022 Focus issue in Chaos 2018 Recurrence Plots and their Quantifications: Expanding Horizons Recurrence Quantification Analysis — Theory and Best Practices Translational Recurrences — From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications Special Issue IJBC 2011 Special Issue EPJST 2009 Special Issue EPJST 2008
  1. Chaos, 2024: Focus Issue on Nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and networks: Dedicated to Jürgen Kurths' 70th birthday
  2. The European Physical Journal — Special Topics, 232(1), 2023: Trends in Recurrence Analysis of Dynamical Systems
  3. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022: Special issue on Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions
  4. Chaos, 28(8), 2018: Focus issue on Recurrence quantification analysis for understanding complex systems
  5. C. L. Webber, Jr., C. Ioana, N. Marwan (ed.): Springer Proceedings in Physics: Recurrence Plots and Their Quantifications: Expanding Horizons, ISBN 978-3-319-29921-1, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016
  6. C. L. Webber, Jr. and N. Marwan (ed.): Understanding Complex Systems: Recurrence Quantification Analysis — Theory and Best Practices, ISBN 978-3-319-07154-1, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2015
  7. N. Marwan, M. Riley, A. Giuliani, C. L. Webber, Jr. (ed.): Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics: Translational Recurrences — From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications, ISBN 978-3-319-09530-1, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2014
  8. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21(4), 2011: Recurrence Plots at the Crossroad Between Theory and Application
  9. The European Physical Journal — Special Topics, 174(1), 2009: Understanding the Earth as a Complex System
  10. The European Physical Journal — Special Topics, 164(1), 2008: 20 Years of Recurrence Plots: Perspectives for a Multi-purpose Tool of Nonlinear Data Analysis
  11. Bodenlos – Forschung im alpinen Karst, since 1997
  12. Spektakel – das völlig abgehangene Blatt zum Kurs Einseiltechnik am USZ Dresden, No. 1–3, 1997/ 1998


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Only publications within project »REFRESH«


  1. M. Mannone, P. Fazio, P. Ribino, N. Marwan: On disease and healing: a theoretical sketch, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 10, 1468556 (2024). DOI:10.3389/fams.2024.1468556 » Abstract  

1 references found.

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© Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Member of the Leibniz Association, Germany, 2024


  1. U.S. Patent No. 10895382, System and method for optimizing passive control of oscillatory instabilities in turbulent flows, January 19, 2021, Patent (PDF)

  2. EU Patent No. 3 759 393, Verfahren zur Minimierung thermoakustischer Instabilitäten einer Gasturbine, March 30, 2022, Patent (PDF)

  3. Indian Patent No. 484841, System and method for optimizing passive control of oscillatory instabilities in turbulent flows, December 18, 2023, Patent Certificate (PDF)

>Talks + Posters

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  1. N. Marwan: Recurrence analysis of complex systems, Dynamics Days Europe 2024LXVII Congreso Nacional De Fisica, Mini symposium "The Recurrence Plot Applied to Physics", Chihuahua (Mexico), Oct 7, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  2. M. Mannone, P. Fazio, N. Marwan: An Operator Acting on the Brain Network and Provoking Disease: A Conceptual Model and a First Data-Based Application, Dynamics Days Europe 2024, Bremen (Germany), Aug 2, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  3. T. Braun, S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, A. Días-Guilera, L. Gimeno, S. Sippel, M. Mahecha: Earth Surface Impacts of Hydrological Extremes along Global Atmospheric River Networks: The ARNETLAB project, International Atmospheric Rivers Conference 2024, UC San Diego (USA), Jun 26, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  4. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, T. Braun, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The PIKART Catalog: A Global and Comprehensive Compilation of Atmospheric Rivers, International Atmospheric Rivers Conference 2024, UC San Diego (USA), Jun 26, 2024, » Poster (PDF, 8.13M) . » Abstract

  5. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, F. Wolf, L. Luna, N. Boers, T. Braun, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Using Complexity Science to Reveal the Dynamics and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers in North America, International Atmospheric Rivers Conference 2024, UC San Diego (USA), Jun 25, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  6. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, F. Wolf, L. Luna, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Probabilistic Attribution and Time Series Anal- ysis to Investigate Atmospheric Drivers of Precipitation-Induced Disasters, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE24), Portland, Oregon (USA), Jun 11, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  7. J. Wassmer, S. Bryant, N. Marwan, M. Pregnolato, B. Merz: Hidden Vulnerabilities in Emergency Response Post-Flood Disasters, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Jun 12, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  8. N. Marwan: Recurrence analysis of complex systems in geosciences, Seminar Geophysics, Institute for Geosciences, Uni Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Jun 18, 2024, Lecture.

  9. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, F. Wolf, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The role of atmospheric rivers in the spatio-temporal organization of heavy precipitation events over North America, 808th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Extreme Events: Identification, Analysis and Prediction, Bad Honnef (Germany), Apr 26, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  10. J. Wassmer, S. Bryant, N. Marwan, M. Pregnolato, B. Merz: Hidden Vulnerabilities in Emergency Response Post-Flood Disasters, 808th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Extreme Events: Identification, Analysis and Prediction, Bad Honnef (Germany), Apr 24, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  11. M. L. Fischer, N. Marwan, V. Foerster, F. Schaebitz, E. M. L. Scerri, W. Schwanghart, S. Kaboth-Bahr, M. H. Trauth: Linear and non-linear Time Series Analysis of pan-African Hydroclimate spanning the past 1,200 kyr, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 15, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12155, Poster. » Abstract

  12. S. Gupta, A. Banerjee, N. Marwan, D. Richardson, L. Magnusson, J. Kurths, F. Pappenberger: Spatially coherent structure of forecast errors – A complex network approach, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 15, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12314, Talk. » Abstract

  13. M. H. Trauth, M. L. Fischer, V. Foerster, N. Marwan, H. M. Roberts, F. Schaebitz: Combining orbital tuning and direct dating approaches to age-depth model development for Chew Bahir, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 15, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5046, Poster. » Abstract

  14. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, L. Luna, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Forecasting of Precipitation-Induced Landslides Using Atmospheric Rivers: Opportunities and Challenges, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 15, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17215, Talk. » Abstract

  15. N. Marwan, T. Braun: New concepts on quantifying event data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 16, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10258, Talk. » Abstract

  16. N. Marwan: Advances in Recurrence Analysis for Predictive Modeling and Dynamic Classification, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 15, 2024, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21587, Talk invited. » Abstract

  17. N. Marwan: Recurrence analysis for studying environmental dynamics, CEIGRAM Seminario de Investigación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid (Spain), Feb 26, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  18. N. Marwan, T. Braun, K. H. Kraemer, 
A. Banerjee, D. Eroglu: New Concepts for Quantifying Extreme Events Data, (Virtual) Workshop on Complex Networks and Application to Fluid Mechanics, IIT Madras, Chennai (India)/ Online, Feb 19, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  19. G. Chopra, V. R. Unni, P. Venkateshan, S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, R. I. Sujith: Classification of Tropics Based on the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone from a Complex Networks Perspective, American Meteorological Society’s 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change/ 104th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Baltimore (USA), Jan 30, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  20. N. Marwan: New Time-series Analysis Concepts for Analysing Event Data, Paleoclimate research on the Telegrafenberg campus and within the Geo.X network, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Jan 29, 2024, Talk. » Abstract

  21. >2023

  22. C. E. Nava-Fernandez, T. Braun, C. Pederson, B. R. S. Fox, A. Hartland, O. Kwiecien, S. N. Höpker, S. M. Bernasconi, M. Jaggi, J. C. Hellstrom, F. Gázquez, A. French, N. Marwan, A. Immenhauser, S. F. M. Breitenbach: Seasonally resolved stalagmite reveals ENSO variability during the Mid-Holocene, AGU 2023 Fall Neeting, San Francisco (USA), Dec 12, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  23. N. Marwan: Recurrence Quantification Analysis 
for Understanding Complex Systems, CTCS Seminar series, IIT Madras, Chennai (India)/ Online, Sep 25, 2023, Talk invited. » Abstract

  24. N. Marwan: Palaeoclimate research in RD4, PIK cross-RD Paleoclimate and Long-term Climate Evolution Seminar, Potsdam (Germany), Sep 18, 2023, Talk.

  25. J. Wassmer, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Resilience of transportation networks to road failures, Dynamics Days Europe 2023, Naples (Italy), Sep 6, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  26. M. Mannone, N. Marwan, A. Chella, V. Seidita, A. Giacometti, P. Fazio: Entangled Gondolas. Design of Multi-Layer Networks of Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarms, XVII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE 2023), Venice (Italy), Sep 6, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  27. A. Syta, J. Czarnigowski, P. Jaklinski, N. Marwan: Recurrence quantificators in misfire detection in a small aircraft engine, 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Tsukuba (Japan), Aug 28, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  28. M. R. Sales, M. Mugnaine, J. D. Szezech Jr., R. L. Viana, I. L. Caldas, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Characterization of stickiness in quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems by an entropy-based measure of the recurrence plots, 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Tsukuba (Japan), Aug 28, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  29. B. G. Straiotto, N. Marwan, P. J. Seeley: Exploring synchronisation in lower limb coordination in a rhythmic body movement: A quantitative analysis, 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Tsukuba (Japan), Aug 28, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  30. R. Pánis, K. Adámek, N. Marwan: Averaged recurrence quantification analysis – Method omitting the recurrence threshold choice, 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Tsukuba (Japan), Aug 28, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  31. N. Marwan, T. Braun, K. H. Kraemer, A. Banerjee, D. Eroglu: Recurrence plots for analysing extreme events data, 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Tsukuba (Japan), Aug 28, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  32. N. Marwan, T. Braun: Power spectrum estimation for extreme events data, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Tokyo (Japan), Aug 23, 2023, » Talk (PDF, 5.27M) . » Abstract

  33. M. L. Fischer, V. Foerster, F. Schaebitz, N. Marwan, S. Kaboth-Bahr, W. Schwanghart, M. H. Trauth: A pan-African spatiotemporal framework of the past one million years using advanced multi-record time-series analysis, XXI INQUA Conference, Rome (Italy), Jul 19, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  34. J. Klose, D. Scholz, M. Weber, H. Vonhof, B. Plessen, S. Breitenbach, N. Marwan: Timing and progression of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Central Europe based on three precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany, XXI INQUA Conference, Rome (Italy), Jul 19, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  35. V. Skiba, C. Spötl, M. Trüssel, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, B. Plessen, N. Frank, R. Eichstädter, R. Tjallingii, N. Marwan, X. Zhang, J. Fohlmeister: High-elevation speleothems suggest close coupling between North Atlantic millennial-scale variability and Alpine glacier dynamics during Marine Isotope Stage 8, XXI INQUA Conference, Rome (Italy), Jul 18, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  36. B. Keenan, J. Collins, B. Aichner, F. Schenk, S. Engels, C. Lane, W. Hoek, I. Neugebauer, T. Grunwald, F. Ott, M. Slowinski, S. Wulf, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, A. Brauer, D. Sachse: Atmospheric blocking as a stabiliser during abrupt climate change in eastern Europe during the Last Deglaciation, XXI INQUA Conference, Rome (Italy), Jul 14, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  37. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal1, L. Luna, F. Wolf, N. Marwan, N. Boers, J. Kurths: Atmospheric rivers are the drivers of precipitation-triggered landslides in western North America, 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), Jul 14, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  38. N. Marwan, K. H. Kraemer: Recurrences of movement, Workshop on Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability, Zurich (Switzerland), July 5, 2023, Lecture and workshop. » Abstract

  39. N. Marwan: Recurrence analysis for complex systems, Workshop on Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability, Zurich (Switzerland), July 5, 2023, Talk invited. » Abstract

  40. J. Zhang, J. Klose, M. Sierralta, S. Tsukamoto, D. Scholz, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Isothermal thermoluminescence (ITL) dating of a speleothem from Bleßberg Cave, 17th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED2023), Copenhagen (Denmark), Jun 29, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  41. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, T. Braun, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: AR-tracks: A new comprehensive global catalog of atmospheric rivers, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 25, 2023, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9251, Talk. » Abstract

  42. M. H. Trauth, A. Asrat, M. L. Fischer, P. O. Hopcroft, V. Foerster, S. Kaboth-Bahr, H. F. Lamb, N. Marwan, M. A. Maslin, F. Schäbitz, P. J. Valdes: Early Warning Signals for the Termination of the African Humid Period(s), EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 24, 2023, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5277, Talk. » Abstract

  43. J. Wassmer, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Resilience of emergency infrastructure networks after flooding events, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 26, 2023, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1383, Talk. » Abstract

  44. N. Marwan, T. Braun: Power Spectrum Estimation for (Extreme) Events Data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), Apr 25, 2023, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7730, » Talk (PDF, 6.39M) . » Abstract

  45. N. Marwan, T. Braun: Power Spectrum Estimation for (Extreme) Events Data, PIK cross-RD Climate and weather extremes seminar, Potsdam (Germany), Apr 20, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  46. S. Gupta, Z. Su, A. Banerjee, N. Boers, N. Marwan, L. Magnusson, C. Lopez, E. Hernandez-Garcia, F. Pappenberger, J. Kurths: Spatial synchronization patterns of extreme rainfall and convection in the Asian Summer Monsoon region, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  47. M. Gelbrecht, K. H. Krämer, N. Marwan: TreeEmbedding: Optimal state space reconstruction via Monte Carlo decision tree search, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  48. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, T. Braun, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Synchronized heavy rainfall events in Europe: the role of atmospheric rivers, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  49. T. Braun, S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, D. Traxl, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: A spatio-temporal analysis of global atmospheric rivers, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  50. T. Haselhoff, T. Braun, N. Marwan, S. Moebus: Complex networks for the urban acoustic environment, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  51. J. Wassmer, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Resilience of emergency infrastructure networks after flooding events, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  52. N. Antary, N. Marwan: Interpolation effects an RQA measures, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  53. M. R. Sales, M. Mugnaine, J. D. Szezech Jr., R. L. Viana, I. L. Caldas, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Characterizing stickiness using recurrence time entropy, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  54. N. Marwan, G. Zamora-Lopez: Juergen Kurths' world of publications, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), March 15-17, 2023, Poster. » Abstract

  55. C. Özdes, D. Eroglu, N. Marwan, T. Braun: Multi-stable synchronization patterns and switching dynamics of paleoclimate networks, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  56. N. Marwan, T. Braun, K. H. Kraemer, A. Banerjee, D. Eroglu: Recurrence plots for analysing extreme events data, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Applications, Perspectives, PIK Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Mar 17, 2023, Talk. » Abstract

  57. >2022

  58. S. De, S. Gupta, V. R. Unni, R. Ravindran, P. Kasthuri, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, R. I. Sujith: Implications of a Complex Network-Based Approach to the Analysis of Cyclone Merger, Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics, IISER Pune, Pune (India), Dec 17, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  59. S. Kulkarni, U. Öztürk, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, B. Merz, A. Agarwal: Complex networks in hydrologic sciences, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, New Orleans (USA), December 12–16, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  60. A. Manapat, J. L. Oster, F. Lechleitner, H. Cheng, J. F. Adkins, S. M. Bernasconi, W. D. Sharp, N. Marwan, B. Plessen, S. F. M. Breitenbach: Stalagmite record of Indian Summer Monsoon variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, New Orleans (USA), December 12–16, 2022, Poster. » Abstract

  61. N. Marwan: Methods for Extreme Events Time Series, PIK cross-RD Climate and weather extremes seminar, Potsdam (Germany), Dec 8, 2022, Talk.

  62. N. Marwan: Investigating palaeoclimate conditions with nonlinear time series analysis, MARUM research seminar, University of Bremen, Bremen (Germany), Dec 5, 2022, Talk invited. » Abstract

  63. N. Marwan: Ways to Quantitative Recurrence Plot Analysis, Complexity Lab Seminar, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester (US), Nov 15, 2022, Lecture. » Abstract

  64. V. Skiba, M. Trüssel, B. Plessen, C. Spötl, R. Eichstädter, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, T. Braun, T. Mitsui, N. Frank, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Fohlmeister, R. Tjallingii, X. Zhang: On the forcing of glacial abrupt climate transitions of the last 300,000 years, DEUQUA-Tagung 2022, Potsdam (Germany), Sep 26, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  65. T. Braun, N. Marwan: A recurrence flow based approach to state space reconstruction, Dynamics Days Europe 2022, University of Aberdeen (UK), Aug 23, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  66. N. Marwan, K. H. Kraemer: Recent Exciting Developments in Recurrence Plot Analysis, Dynamics Days Europe 2022, University of Aberdeen (UK), Aug 23, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  67. N. Marwan: Reconstructing Complex Networks from Data, (Virtual) Workshop on the Application of Complex Networks to Fluid Mechanics, IIT Madras, Chennai (India)/ Online, Aug 15, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  68. S. Gupta, Z. Su, N. Boers, J. Kurths, N. Marwan, F. Pappenberger: Spatial Synchronization Patterns of Extreme Rainfall Events in the Asian Summer Monsoon Region, AOGS2022 Virtual 19th Annual Meeting, (online meeting), Aug 1, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  69. J. Klose, M. Weber, H. Vonhof, B. Plessen, S. F. M. Breitenbach, N. Marwan, D. Scholz: Timing of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Central Europe based on three precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany, Climate Change, The Karst Record IX (KR9), Innsbruck (Austria), July 18, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  70. N. Marwan: Investigating palaeoclimate conditions with nonlinear time series analysis, Colloquium on Complex and Biological Systems, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), Jun 24, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  71. N. Marwan: Das Sägistal - Alpines Karstgebiet im Berner Oberland, 60. Jahrestagung des VdHK, Truckenthal (Germany), Jun 17, 2022, Talk.

  72. N. Marwan: Bleßberghöhle – Schatzkammer für die Wissenschaft, VdHK-Symposium: Wissenschaft unter Tage – Höhlenforschung im Dialog, Truckenthal (Germany), Jun 15, 2022, » Talk (PDF, 8.96M) .

  73. N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, D. Eroglu: Integrative multivariate study of past African climate variability, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 24, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6559, » Talk (PDF, 7.01M) . » Abstract

  74. A. Giesche, D. A. Hodell, C. A. Petrie, G. H. Haug, J. F. Adkins, B. Plessen, N. Marwan, H. J. Bradbury, A. Hartland, A. D. French, S. F. M. Breitenbach: Northwest Indian stalagmite shows evidence for recurring summer and winter droughts after 4.2 ka BP, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 24, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-396, Talk. » Abstract

  75. J. Wassmer, N. Marwan, B. Merz: Impact of extreme events on topological robustness of infrastructure networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 26, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2705, Talk. » Abstract

  76. F. Wolf, S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, N. Boers, N. Marwan, D. Traxl, J. Kurths: Spatio-temporal synchronization of heavy rainfall events triggered by atmospheric rivers in North America, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 24, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2993, » Talk (PDF, 758.19K) . » Abstract

  77. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, F. Wolf, L. Luna, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Relationship between atmospheric rivers and landslides in western North America, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 25, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8096, » Talk (PDF, 1.79M) . » Abstract

  78. S. Gupta, Z. Su, N. Boers, J. Kurths, N. Marwan, F. Pappenberger: Interrelation between the Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoon: A complex network-based approach, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 23, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8626, » Talk (PDF, 1.96M) . » Abstract

  79. T. Braun, K. H. Kraemer, N. Marwan: A Recurrence Flow based Approach to Attractor Reconstruction, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 25, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9626, Talk. » Abstract

  80. V. Skiba, M. Trüssel, B. Plessen, C. Spötl, R. Eichstädter, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, T. Braun, T. Mitsui, N. Frank, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Fohlmeister: Abrupt climate events recorded in speleothems from the ante penultimate glacial, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 23, 2022, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11671, » Talk (PDF, 1.04M) . » Abstract

  81. T. Braun, C. N. Fernandez, D. Eroglu, A. Hartland, S. F. M. Breitenbach, N. Marwan: Sampling rate-corrected time series analysis of irregularly sampled palaeoclimate proxy records, 6th PAGES Open Science Meeting, (online meeting), May 18, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  82. M. H. Trauth, A. Asrat, A. S. Cohen, W. Duesing, V. Foerster, S. Kaboth-Bahr, K. H. Kraemer, H. F. Lamb, N. Marwan, M. A. Maslin, F. Schäbitz: Tipping points in the 620 kyr proxy record from Chew Bahir, S Ethiopia, 6th PAGES Open Science Meeting, (online meeting), May 18, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  83. N. Marwan: Palaeoclimate variability in Central America in the last 2 millenia, Thematic Einstein Semester "The Mathematics of Complex Social Systems: Past, Present, and Future", Berlin (Germany), April 25, 2022, Talk. » Abstract

  84. N. Marwan: Nonlinear Data Analysis Concepts, Graduate School NatRiskChange, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), March 28-29, 2022, Lecture. » Abstract

  85. R. Krishnan, M. Singh, T. P. Sabin, B. Goswami, A. D. Choudhury, P. Swapna, R. Vellore, A. G. Prajeesh, N. Sandeep, C. Venkataraman, R. V. Donner, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Implications of volcanic aerosols for seasonal forecasting of the Indian monsoon in a changing climate, Seventh WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-7), New Delhi (India), March 22-26, 2022, Talk invited. » Abstract

  86. N. Marwan: Transparent and efficient data storage, Graduate School NatRiskChange University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), March 14-15, 2022, Lecture. » Abstract

  87. >2021

  88. M. Gadhawe, R. Guntu, A. Banerjee, N. Marwan, A. Agarwal: A complex network approach to study the extreme precipitation patterns in a river basin, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, New Orleans (USA), December 13–17, 2021, DOI:10.1002/essoar.10509273.1, Poster. » Abstract

  89. T. Braun, S. Breitenbach, E. Ray, J. U. L. Baldini, L. M. Baldini, F. Lechleitner, Y. Asmerom, K. M. Prufer, N. Marwan: Two millennia of seasonal rainfall predictability in the neotropics with repercussions for agricultural societies, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, New Orleans (USA), December 13–21, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  90. N. Marwan: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in Geosciences, Kolloquium of Institute of Geoscience, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), December 13, 2021, Lecture.

  91. N. Marwan, H. Kraemer: Hands-on workshop on complex systems, GFZ Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), November 4–5, 2021, Lecture and workshop.

  92. M. Kemter, N. Marwan, G. Villarini, B. Merz: United States Flood Trends and Their Drivers, Second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam (Germany), October 5-6, 2021, Poster. » Abstract

  93. A. Banerjee, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, B. Merz, B., J. Kurths: Complex network approach to study the impacts of ENSO over the United States, Second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam (Germany), October 5-6, 2021, Poster. » Abstract

  94. S. M. Vallejo-Bernal, F. Wolf, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Synchronicity of heavy rainfall induced by atmospheric rivers over North America, Second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam (Germany), October 5-6, 2021, Poster. » Abstract

  95. N. Marwan: Recent exciting developments in recurrence plot analysis, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  96. A. Das, A. P. Nandan, N. Marwan, A. Koseska: Identifying transient metastable states from live-cell imaging data, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  97. I. Pavithran, V. R. Unni, R. I. Sujith, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Recurrence condensation during critical transitions in complex systems, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  98. T. Braun, V. R. Unni, R. I. Sujith, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Multiscale recurrence quantification with recurrence lacunarity, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  99. K. H. Kraemer, F. Hellmann, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Recurrence powerspectra, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  100. C. Ozdes, S. Breitenbach, D. Eroglu, N. Marwan, N: Revealing past climate networks from data, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  101. B. G. Straiotto, N. Marwan, D. C. James, P. J. Seeley: A combination of principal component and recurrence analyses discriminates between closely similar movement patterns, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  102. N. Marwan: Co-authorship network of the recurrence plot domain, 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Lublin (Poland), September 22–24, 2021, » Poster (PDF, 58.87M) .

  103. N. Marwan, T. Braun: Module 5 – Complex Systems, Recurrence and Networks in Climate, Summer school on Trends, rhythms and events in the Earth's climate system, Online/ Potsdam (Germany), August 30 – September 3, 2021, Lecture. » Abstract

  104. M. Kemter, N. Marwan, G. Villarini, B. Merz: Drivers of Flood Trends in the United States, Tag der Hydrologie, Potsdam (Germany), August 30 – September 1, 2021, Poster.

  105. I. Pavithran, V. R. Unni, A. Saha, A. J. Varghese, R. I. Sujith, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Predicting the Amplitude of Thermoacoustic Instability Using Universal Scaling Behaviour, ASME Turbo Expo 2022, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), June 9, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  106. A. Banerjee, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Recurrence based coupling analysis between event-like data and continuous data, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14831, Talk. » Abstract

  107. T. Braun, S. Breitenbach, E. Ray, J. U. L. Baldini, L. M. Baldini, F. Lechleitner, Y. Asmerom, K. M. Prufer, N. Marwan: Two millennia of seasonal rainfall predictability in the neotropics with repercussions for agricultural societies, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11012, Talk. » Abstract

  108. Z. Su, S. Gupta, N. Marwan, N. Boers, J. Kurths: A comparative study of extreme precipitation patterns using complex networks, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8740, Talk. » Abstract

  109. H. Kraemer, G. Datseris, J. Kurths, I. Kiss, J. L. Ocampo-Espindola, N. Marwan: A unified and automated approach to attractor reconstruction, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1495, Talk. » Abstract

  110. J. Fohlmeister, N. Sekhon, A. Columbu, K. Rehfeld, L. Sime, C. Veige-Pires, N. Marwan, N. Boers: Global reorganization of atmospheric circulation during Dansgaard-Oschger cycles, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9433, Talk. » Abstract

  111. M. Singh, R. Krishnan, B. Goswami, A. Dey Choudhury, S. Panickal, R. Vellore, P. A. Gopinathan, S. Narayanasetti, C. Venkataraman, R. Donner, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Fingerprint of volcanic forcing on the ENSO–Indian monsoon coupling, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 19–30, 2021, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9059, Talk. » Abstract

  112. W. Duesing, A. Asrat, A. S. Cohen, V. S. Foerster, S. Kaboth-Bahr, K. H. Kraemer, H. F. Lamb, N. Marwan, H. M. Roberts, F. Schaebitz: Climate beats from Africa: a statistical analysis of the 620 kyr Chew Bahir climate record, eastern Africa, IODP/ICDP Kolloquium, Hamburg (Germany), March 9-11, 2020, postponed to March 16, 2021, Talk. » Abstract

  113. N. Marwan: Reconstructing Complex Networks from Data, Seminar Networks Unit, IMT School For Advanced Studies, Lucca (Italy), February 4, 2021, Talk invited. » Abstract

  114. >2020

  115. M. Kemter, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Trends in flood magnitudes, flood extents and their drivers, AGU Fall Meeting, online, December 1–17, 2020, Talk. » Abstract

  116. A. Agarwal, N. Marwan, R. Maheswaran, U. Ozturk, J. Kurths, B. Merz: Optimal design of hydrometric station networks based on complex network analysis, AGU Fall Meeting, online, December 1–17, 2020, Talk. » Abstract

  117. T. Westerhold, N. Marwan, A. Joy Drury, D. Liebrand, C. Agnini, E. Anagnostou, J. Barnet, S. M. Bohaty, D. De Vleeschouwer, F. Florindo, T. Frederichs, D. A. Hodell, A. Holbourn, D. Kroon, V. Lauretano, K. Littler, L. J. Lourens, M. W. Lyle, H. Paelike, U. Roehl, J. Tian, R. Wilkens, Paul. A. Wilson, J. C. Zachos: Changing state of Earth’s climate for the last 66 million years, AGU Fall Meeting, online, December 1–17, 2020, Talk. » Abstract

  118. N. Marwan: Measuring complexity of recurrence plots, GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics, virtual, December 3, 2020, Talk.

  119. N. Marwan: Investigation of Recurrence Phenomena in the Earth System, Seminar "Big Data Platform" at DLR Institute of Data Science, Jena (Germany), August 6, 2020, Lecture. » Abstract

  120. N. Marwan: Investigation of Recurrence Phenomena in the Earth System, HEIBRIDS Lecture Series, Berlin (Germany), July 1, 2020, Lecture. » Abstract

  121. B. Goswami, A. Hartland, C. Hu, S. Hoepker, B. R. S Fox, N. Marwan, S. F. M. Breitenbach: Paleo-drip rates from trace metal concentrations in stalagmites: An inverse modeling problem with data uncertainties, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19959, Talk. » Abstract

  122. T. Braun, N. Marwan, V. R. Unni, R. I. Sujith, J. Kurths: Detection of dynamical regime transitions with lacunarity as a multiscale recurrence quantification measure, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-3475, Talk. » Abstract

  123. K. Prufer, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Baldini, T. Braun, E. Ray, L. Baldini, V. Polyak, F. Lechleitner, N. Marwan, D. Kennett, Y. Asmerom: A 1,600 year record of paleoseasonality from the neotropics of Central America and its implications for rainfall predictability in agricultural societies, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18100, Talk. » Abstract

  124. A. Giesche, S. F. M. Breitenbach, N. Marwan, A. Hartland, B. Plessen, J. F. Adkins, H. H. Haug, A. French, C. A. Petrie, D. A. Hodell: Rainfall seasonality changes in northern India across the 4.2 ka event, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-16898, Talk. » Abstract

  125. K. Riechers, N. Boers, J. Fohlmeister, N. Marwan: Hypothesis testing and uncertainty propagation in paleo climate proxy data evidencing abrupt climate shifts, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-15148, Talk. » Abstract

  126. D.-D. Rousseau, S. Barbosa, W. Bagniewski, N. Boers, E. Cook, J. Fohlmeister, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, S. O. Rasmussen, L. Sime, A. Svensson: Data quality in different paleo archives and covering different time scales: A key issue in studying tipping elements, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-14267, Talk. » Abstract

  127. K. H. Kraemer, N. Marwan, K. Wiesner, J. Kurths: Recurrence Plot based entropies and their ability to detect transitions, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10861, Talk. » Abstract

  128. J. Fohlmeister, N. Bores, N. Marwan, A. Columbu, K. Rehfeld, N. Sekhon, L. Sime, C. Veiga-Pires: Composite data set of last glacial Dansgaard/Oeschger events obtained from stable oxygen isotopes in speleothems, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6894, Talk. » Abstract

  129. R. van Dongen, D. Scherler, D. Wendi, E. Deal, C. Meier, N. Marwan, L. Mao: El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) controls on mean streamflow and streamflow variability in Central Chile, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-14011, Talk. » Abstract

  130. W. Duesing, A. Asrat, A. S. Cohen, V. S. Foerster, S. Kaboth-Bahr, K. H. Kraemer, H. F. Lamb, N. Marwan, H. M. Roberts, F. Schaebitz: Climate beats from Africa: a statistical analysis of the 620 kyr Chew Bahir climate record, eastern Africa, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13026, Talk. » Abstract

  131. M. H. Trauth, A. Asrat, A. S. Cohen, W. Duesing, V. Foerster, S. Kaboth-Bahr, K. H. Kraemer, H. Lamb, N. Marwan, M. A. Maslin, F. Schaebitz: Recurrence quantification analysis of the \sim 620 kyr record of climate change from the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopia, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-4660, Talk. » Abstract

  132. M. Kemter, B. Merz, N. Marwan, S. Vorogushyn, G. Blöschl: Mutual increases in flood extents and magnitudes intensify flood hazard in Central and Western Europe, (Virtual) EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 4-8, 2020, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-4731, Talk. » Abstract

  133. A. Krishnan, R. Manikandan, P. R. Midhun, K. V. Reeja, V. R. Unni, R. I. Sujith, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Suppression of oscillatory instability in turbulent reactive flows using network theory, Complex Dynamical Systems and Applications 2020 (CDSA 2020), Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer (India), February 22, 2020, Talk.

  134. >2019

  135. A. Hartland, B. Goswami, C. Hu, B. Fox, N. Marwan, S. F. M. Breitenbach: Stalactite flow rates in a central Chinese cave over the last 9000 years, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 9–13, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  136. N. Marwan: Datenmanagement in den Geowissenschaften, Institute of Geoscience, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), November 27, 2019, Lecture. » Abstract

  137. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plot Techniques for the Investigation of Recurring Phenomena in the System Earth, GFZ Earth Surface Seminar Series "Nonlinear Dynamics Workshop", Potsdam (Germany), November 11, 2019, Talk.

  138. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plot Techniques for the Investigation of Recurring Phenomena in the System Earth, Habilitation Kolloquium Institute of Geoscience, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), October 16, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  139. H. Kraemer, N. Marwan: Border effect corrections for diagonal line based Recurrence Quantification Analysis measures, 16th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Berlin (Germany), September 16, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  140. N. Marwan, H. Kraemer, B. Goswami, D. Eroglu, S. Breitenbach, J. Leonhardt: Quantifiers from Recurrence Plots, Quantitative paleoenvironments from speleothems workshop, Waikato University, Cambridge (New Zealand), September 10, 2019, Talk.

  141. N. Marwan: Entropies from Recurrence Plots, Seminar, Fudan University, Shanghai (China), August 26, 2019, Talk.

  142. N. Marwan, H. Kraemer, K. Wiesner, S. Breitenbach, J. Leonhardt: Recurrence based entropies, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  143. H. Kraemer, N. Marwan: Border effect corrections for diagonal line based recurrence quantification analysis measures, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  144. I. Pavithran, P. Kasthuri, A. Krishnan, S. A. Pawar, R. I. Sujith, R. Gejji, W. E. Anderson, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Recurrence networks of spiky signals, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  145. A. Banerjee, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Recurrence analysis of flood events, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  146. H. Kraemer, R. Donner, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan: Recurrence threshold selection for obtaining robust recurrence characteristics in different embedding dimensions, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  147. N. Marwan: Co-authorship network of the recurrence plot domain, 8th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang (China), August 21-23, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  148. N. Marwan: Karstgebiet Sägistal, 14. Nationaler Höhlenforscher-Kongress Sinterlaken19, Interlaken (Switzerland), August 9-11, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  149. D. Wendi, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Novel quantification method for hydrograph similarity, SimHydro 2019, Sophia Antipolis (France), June 12, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  150. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for Time Series Analysis, Geological Remote Sensing Seminar, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), June 4, 2019, Lecture.

  151. U. Ozturk, N. Malik, K. Cheung, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Tracking tropical and frontal storms driven extreme rainfalls over Japan using complex networks, SIAM Workshop on Network Science 2019, Snowbird (USA), May 22-23, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  152. N. Marwan, H. Kraemer, K. Wiesner, S. Breitenbach, J. Leonhardt: Recurrence based entropies, Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics, Łódz (Poland), May 7-10, 2019, Talk.

  153. N. Marwan, H. Kraemer, K. Wiesner, S. Breitenbach, J. Leonhardt: Recurrence based entropies, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, » Poster (PDF, 6.42M) . » Abstract

  154. W. Düsing, H. Kraemer, A. Asrat, M. Chapot, A. Cohen, A. Deino, V. Foerster, H. Lamb, N. Marwan, C. Lane, M. Maslin, C. Ramsey, H. Roberts, F. Schaebitz, M. Trauth, C. Vidal: Differentiating local from regional climate signals using the  600 ka Chew Bahir paleoclimate record from South Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, Talk. » Abstract

  155. A. Banerjee, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Recurrence Analysis of Flood Events, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  156. A. Agarwal, L. Caesar, N. Marwan, R. Maheswaran, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Detection of short- and long-range teleconnections in SST patterns on different time scales, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  157. M. Kemter, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Using multi-layer complex networks to understand interrelationships and changes in extreme flood generation, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  158. M. Trauth, A. Asrat, C. Bronk Ramsey, M. Chapot, A. Cohen, A. Deino, W. Duesing, V. Foerster, H. Kraemer, H. Lamb, C. Lane, N. Marwan, M. Maslin, H. Roberts, F. Schaebitz, C. Vidal: Recurring types of variability and transitions in the \~280 m long (\~600 kyr) sediment core from the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2019, Poster. » Abstract

  159. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for Time Series Analysis, Seminar at MPI Molecular Physiology, Dortmund (Germany), March 18, 2019, Talk.

  160. N. Marwan: Transparent and efficient data storage, Graduate School NatRiskChange University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), March 13-14, 2019, Lecture. » Abstract

  161. >2018

  162. W. Duesing, J. Thom, A. Deino, A. Asrat, V. Foerster, H. Kraemer, N. Marwan, H. Lamb, F. Schaebitz, M. H. Trauth: Human evolution and climate change: What can we learn from the 0-630 kyrs BP paleoclimate record from the Chew Bahir basin in eastern Africa?, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC (USA), December 10-14, 2018, Talk. » Abstract

  163. E. Macau, A. M. Ramos, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Detecting causal relations from real data experiments by using recurrence, Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean 2018, Punta del Este (Uruguay), November 26-30, 2018, Talk. » Abstract

  164. T. Vantuch, I. Zelinka, A. Adamatzky, N. Marwan: Detecting causal relations from real data experiments by using recurrence, 17th International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, Fontainebleau (France), June 26, 2018, Talk. » Abstract

  165. W. Duesing, A. Asrat, V. E. Foerster, H. Kraemer, H. F. Lamb, N. Marwan, F. Schaebitz, M. H. Trauth: Trends, rhythms and transitions during the Late Quaternary in southern Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  166. M. H. Trauth, A. Asrat, W. Duesing, V. Foerster, H. Kraemer, H. Lamb, N. Marwan, M. A. Maslin, F. Schaebitz:: Classifying past climate variation in the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopia, using recurrence quantification analysis, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  167. A. Agarwal, N. Marwan, M. Rathinasamy, U. Ozturk, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Complex network-based approach for identification of influential and expandable station across rainfall network, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  168. D. Wendi, N. Marwan, B. Merz: The recurrence of unseasonable and rare flood dynamics, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, » Poster (PDF, 2.26M) . » Abstract

  169. B. Goswami, S. Breitenbach, F. Lechleitner, J. Baldini, H. Cheng, N. Marwan: Is this an event? – Detecting abrupt changes in palaeoclimate records, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, » Poster (PDF, 772.16K) . » Abstract

  170. U. Öztürk, N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Comparison of tropical and frontal storms using complex networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  171. H. Kraemer, R. V. Donner, N. Marwan, M. H. Trauth: Detecting abrupt transitions during the Late Quaternary in southern Ethiopia using Recurrence Quantification Analyses, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  172. B. Goswami, N. Boers, A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, S. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Identifying sudden dynamical shifts in time series with uncertainties, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster.

  173. S. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, S. Waltgenbach, R. Tjallingii, J. Leonhardt, K.-P. Jochum, H. Meyer, N. Marwan, D. Scholz: Tracing past shifts of the boundary between maritime and continental climate over Central Europe, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 8-13, 2018, Poster. » Abstract

  174. >2017

  175. D. Wendi, N. Marwan, B. Merz: The importance of hydrological signature and its recurring dynamics, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans (USA), December 1–17, 2017, Poster. » Abstract

  176. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for Data Analysis, QUEST Workshop on palaeoclimate time series analysis and statistics, Potsdam (Germany), November 3, 2017, Lecture and workshop.

  177. N. Marwan: Transparent and efficient data storage, QUEST Workshop on palaeoclimate time series analysis and statistics, Potsdam (Germany), November 3, 2017, Lecture.

  178. N. Marwan: Höhlen als wissenschaftliche Archive, 20th Anniversary of Speleo Club Berlin, Kienitz (Germany), September 23, 2017, Talk.

  179. N. Marwan: What can you see? Perception problems of recurrence plots, 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, São Paulo (Brazil), August 23-25, 2017, » Talk (PDF, 3.44M) . » Abstract

  180. D. Eroglu, N. Marwan: Multiplex Recurrence Networks, 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, São Paulo (Brazil), August 23-25, 2017, Poster. » Abstract

  181. H. Kraemer, N. Marwan, M. H. Trauth: Classifying abrupt transitions in IPCC climate models and paleoclimate proxy data using recurrence quantification analysis, 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, São Paulo (Brazil), August 23-25, 2017, Talk. » Abstract

  182. D. Wendi, N. Marwan, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Change in flood hazard dynamics from recurrence perspective, 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, São Paulo (Brazil), August 23-25, 2017, Talk. » Abstract

  183. A. M. T. Ramos, A. Builes-Jaramillo, G. Poveda, B. Goswami, E. E. N. Macau, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Causality detection based on recurrence plot, 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, São Paulo (Brazil), August 23-25, 2017, Talk. » Abstract

  184. D. Eroglu, N. Marwan: Multiplex Recurrence Networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 23-28, 2017, » Poster (PDF, 5.64M) . » Abstract

  185. F. Brenner, N. Marwan, P. Hoffmann: Modelling fast spreading patterns of airborne infectious diseases using complex networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 23-28, 2017, Talk. » Abstract

  186. A. Agarwal, N. Marwan, M. Rathinasamy, U. Oeztuerk, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Multiscale complex network analysis: An approach to study spatiotemporal rainfall pattern in south Germany, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 23-28, 2017, Poster. » Abstract

  187. U. Ozturk, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Identifying typhoon tracks based on event synchronization derived spatially embedded climate networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 23-28, 2017, Poster. » Abstract

  188. U. Ozturk, N. Marwan, O. Korup, J. Jensen: Completing the record of 20th century sea level rise in the Eastern Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 23-28, 2017, Poster. » Abstract

  189. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Chapman Chair Seminar "Complex Systems Science Meets Arctic Science", University of Fairbanks, Fairbanks (USA), March 2, 2017, Lecture.

  190. N. Marwan: Caves as scientific archives, Chapman Chair Seminar "Complex Systems Science Meets Arctic Science", University of Fairbanks, Fairbanks (USA), March 2, 2017, Lecture.

  191. >2016

  192. A. M. D. T. Ramos, L. A. Builes-Jaramillo, G. Poveda, B. Goswami, E. E. N. Macau, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Non-linear interactions between Niño region 3 and the Southern Amazon, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 12-16, 2016, » Talk (PDF, 2.17M) . » Abstract

  193. A. Agarwal, N. Marwan, R. Maheswaran, U. Ozturk, B. Merz, J. Kurths: Multiscale event synchronization analysis for unraveling climate processes: A wavelet-based approach, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 12-16, 2016, » Poster (PDF, 2.43M) . » Abstract

  194. D. Wendi, N. Marwan, B. Merz: Identifying changes of complex flood dynamics with recurrence analysis, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 12-16, 2016, Talk invited. » Abstract

  195. F. Brenner, P. Hoffmann, N. Marwan: Combining a complex network approach and a SEIR compartmental model to link fast spreading of infectious diseases with climate change, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 12-16, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  196. N. Marwan: Hot Topics in Recurrence Plot Analysis, Humboldt-Kolleg, Yaoundé (Cameroon), November 22-24, 2016, Lecture.

  197. N. Marwan: Recurrence Analysis, Graduate School NatRiskChange, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), November 8, 2016, Lecture.

  198. N. Marwan: Analysing spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics by Recurrence plots, Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD2016), Berlin (Germany), July 24-26, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  199. N. Marwan: Modern approaches for nonlinear time series analysis, Course Global Change Management Studies, University of Applied Science Eberswalde, Eberswalde (Germany), June 7, 2016, Lecture.

  200. N. Marwan, S. Foerster, J. Kurths: Analysing spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics by recurrence plots, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, » Poster (PDF, 2.92M) . » Abstract

  201. N. Marwan, N. Malik, N. Boers, A. Rheinwalt, V. Stolbova, B. Bookhagen, J. Kurths: Potentials of complex network analysis of regional rainfall co-variability, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  202. T. Nocke, S. Buschmann, J. Donges, N. Marwan: Visualization techniques and tools for large geo-physical networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  203. J. Runge, V. Petoukhov, J. Donges, J. Hlinka, N. Jajcay, M. Vejmelka, D. Hartman, N. Marwan, M. Palus, J. Kurths: Identifying causal gateways and mediators in complex spatio-temporal systems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  204. T. Nocke, S. Buschmann, J. Donges, N. Marwan: New solutions for climate network visualization, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  205. S. F. M. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, S. Wenz, J. Leonhardt, R. Tjallingii, D. Scholz, K. P. Jochum, N. Marwan: A multi-proxy reconstruction of Holocene climate change from Blessberg Cave, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, » Poster (PDF, 2.85M) . » Abstract

  206. D. Wendi, B. Merz, N. Marwan: Novel flood detection and analysis method using recurrence property, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  207. J. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q. Y. Feng, L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R. Donner, N. Marwan, H. Dijkstra, J. Kurths: Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  208. D. Eroglu, N. Marwan, I. Ozken, T. Stemler, J. Kurths: How to overcome data based difficulties in geoscience?, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  209. M. Riedl, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Extended quantification of the generalized recurrence plot, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  210. O. Kwiecien, N. Marwan: What drives the δ18O signal in European carbonates during LGM and Termination II – multi-archive approach revised, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, Poster. » Abstract

  211. D. Eroglu, I. Ozken, F. McRobie, T. Stemler, N. Marwan, K.-H. Wyrwoll, J. Kurths: A solar variability driven monsoon see-saw: switching relationships of the Holocene East Asian-Australian summer monsoons, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 17-22, 2016, » Poster (PDF, 842.68K) . » Abstract

  212. N. Marwan, Y. Zou, M. Riedl, N. Wessel, J. Kurths: Bestimmung der Kopplungsrichtungen im kardiorespiratorischen System anhand wiederkehrbasierter Methoden, Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung 2016, Berlin (Germany), April 7, 2016, Talk. » Abstract

  213. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Seminar Department of Knowledge Engineering, University of Maastricht, Maastricht (The Netherlands), February 17, 2016, Talk.

  214. >2015

  215. N. Boers, A. Rheinwalt, B. Bokkhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, H. M. J. Barbosa, J. Marengo: Complex network analysis of extreme rainfall in South America: Climatic analysis – model evaluation – prediction, International Workshop "Analysis of dynamic networks and data driven modelling of the climate", Potsdam (Germany), October 12–14, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  216. B. Goswami, A. Rheinwalt, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Using complex networks to detect abrupt climate change in paleoclimate datasets, International Workshop "Analysis of dynamic networks and data driven modelling of the climate", Potsdam (Germany), October 12–14, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  217. M. Sips, T. Rawald, C. Witt, N. Marwan: Towards multi-scale RQA using Visual Analytics, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  218. D. Eroglu, T. K. D. Peron, N. Marwan, F. A. Rodrigues, L. da F. Costa, M. Sebek, I. Z. Kiss, J. Kurths: Entropy of weighted recurrence plots, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  219. D. Schultz, S. Spiegel, N. Marwan, S. Albayrak: Approximation of diagonal line based measures in recurrence quantification analysis, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  220. N. Marwan, S. Foerster, J. Kurths: Recurrence plot analysis of spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, » Talk (PDF, 5.77M) . » Abstract

  221. M. Riedl, J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Spatial-temporal recurrence analysis based on a global measure of spatial similarity, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  222. O. Afsar, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Scaling relations from recurrence quantification analysis for the Logistic map at the edge of chaos: Connection with universal Huberman-Rudnick scaling law, 6th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Grenoble (France), June 17-19, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  223. B. Goswami, A. Rheinwalt, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, S. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Detecting paleoclimate transitions of the East Asian Summer Monsoon with recurrence networks, NetSci2015, Zaragoza (Spain), June 1-5, 2015, Talk.

  224. N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, H. Barbosa, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, J. Marengo: Prediction of the most extreme rainfall events in the South American Andes: A statistical forecast based on complex networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  225. N. Boers, N. Marwan, H. Barbosa, J. Kurths: How Amazonian deforestation can alter the South American circulation regime: Insights from a non-linear moisture transport model, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  226. D. Eroglu, I. Ozken, T. Stemler, N. Marwan, K. -H. Wyrwoll, J. Kurths: How to analyse irregularly sampled geophysical time series?, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  227. N. Marwan, P. Koethur, C. Witt, S. F. M. Breitenbach, M. Sips: Analysing the degree of replication of palaeoclimate records, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, » Poster (PDF, 2.97M) . » Abstract

  228. N. Marwan, S. Foerster, J. Kurths: Recurrence plot analysis of spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, » Poster (PDF, 1.96M) . » Abstract

  229. J. Runge, J. Donges, J. Hlinka, N. Jajcay, N. Marwan, M. Palus, J. Kurths: Quantifying causal pathways of interactions in the complex tropical climate system, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Talk. » Abstract

  230. L. Tupikina, N. Molkentin, C. Lopez, E. Hernandez-Garcia, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Time-dependent flow-networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  231. B. Goswami, A. Rheinwalt, N. Boers, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Different stages of the East Asian Summer Monsoon in the Holocene, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  232. J. Donges, I. Petrova, A. Löw, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: How complex climate networks complement eigen techniques for the statistical analysis of climatological data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  233. S. F. M. Breitenbach, H. E. Ridley, F. A. Lechleitner, Y. Asmerom, K. Rehfeld, K. M. Prufer, D. J. Kennett, V. V. Aquino, V. Polyak, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, G. H. Haug, and J. U. L. Baldini: Volcanic forcing of the North Atlantic Oscillation over the last 2,000 years, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  234. P. Martin, V. Stolbova, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Topology and seasonal evolution of the network of extreme precipitation over the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 12-17, 2015, Poster. » Abstract

  235. >2014

  236. K. Guhathakurta, N. Marwan: Investigating chaos in emerging and developed stock markets using recurrence network analysis, 4th India Finance Conference 2014, Bangalore (India), December 17-19, 2014, Talk.

  237. P. Martin, V. Stolbova, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Topology and Seasonal Evolution of the Network of Extreme Precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 15-19, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  238. N. Marwan: Modern Approaches for Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Seminar at the Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum (Germany), December 3, 2014, Lecture.

  239. N. Marwan: Recurrence plots for time series analysis, Workshop on Network Analysis and Data Driven Modelling of the Climate, Potsdam (Germany), October 27-29, 2014, Talk.

  240. N. Marwan: Caves as Scientific Archives, PIK Science & Pretzels, Potsdam (Germany), October 8, 2014, Lecture.

  241. A. Rheinwalt, B. Goswami, N. Boers, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, R. Krishnan, J. Kurths: A network of networks approach to investigate the influence of sea surface temperature variability on monsoon systems, International Symposium Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics, Nizhny Novgorod/Saratov (Russia), July 17-23, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  242. N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, H. M. J. Barbosa, N. Marwan, J. A. Marengo, J. Kurths: A Complex Network approach to investigate the spatiotemporal co-variability of extreme rainfall, 4th International Workshop on Climate Informatics, Boulder (USA), September 25-26, 2014, » Poster (PDF, 15.60M) . » Abstract

  243. R. Donner, J. Feldhoff, J. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Multivariate Extensions of Recurrence Networks Reveal Geometric Signatures of Coupling Between Nonlinear Systems, NOLTA Conference, Luzern (Switzerland), September 14-18, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  244. T. Rawald, M. Sips, N. Marwan, D. Dransch: Fast Recurrence Quantification Analysis on GPUs, NOLTA Conference, Luzern (Switzerland), September 14-18, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  245. N. Marwan, J. Donges, R. Donner, J. Kurths: Recurrence plots and complex networks for time series analysis, International Symposium Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics, Nizhny Novgorod/Saratov (Russia), July 17-23, 2014, Talk invited. » Abstract

  246. N. Boers, B Bookhagen, H. Barbosa, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, J. Marengo: Prediction of extreme floods in the Central Andes by means of Complex Networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  247. J. Donges, R. Donner, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, K. Rehfeld, J. Kurths: A multi-archive method for robustly detecting nonlinear regime shifts in palaeoclimate dynamics under consideration of dating uncertainties, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  248. J. Donges, R. Donner, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, K. Rehfeld, J. Kurths: Regime shifts in Holocene Asian monsoon dynamics inferred from speleothems: Potential impacts on cultural change and migratory patterns, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  249. J. Hlinka, D. Hartman, N. Jajcay, M. Vejmelka, R. Donner, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, M. Palus: Regional and inter-regional effects in evolving climate network, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  250. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, D. Scholz, J. Leonhardt: Recurrence properties as signatures for abrupt climate change, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Talk. » Abstract

  251. D. Eroglu, N. Marwan, S. Prasad, J. Kurths: How to use recurrence networks for geophysical time series analysis?, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  252. T. Rawald, M. Sips, N. Marwan, D. Dransch: Fast computation of recurrences in long time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  253. L. Tupikina, N. Molkenthin, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Flow networks for ocean currents, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  254. A. Rheinwalt, B. Goswami, N. Boers, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: A network of networks approach to investigate the influence of sea surface temperature variability on monsoon systems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster.

  255. B. Goswami, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Recurrence networks, age uncertainties, and joint distributions: An analysis motivated by problems in paleoclimate studies, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  256. Y. Zou, R. Donner, N. Marwan, M. Small, J. Kurths: Long-term changes in the North-South asymmetry of solar activity: a nonlinear dynamics characterization using visibility graphs, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  257. V. Stolbova, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Geographic patterns of networks derived from extreme precipitation over the Indian subcontinent, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  258. N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, J. Marengo: Complex networks identify spatial patterns of extreme rainfall of the South American monsoon system, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  259. V. Stolbova, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Indian Monsoon: complex network analysis, spatial patterns and the prospects for prediction, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 27-May 2, 2014, Poster. » Abstract

  260. >2013

  261. B. Bookhagen, N. Boers, N. Marwan, N. Malik, J. Kurths: Spatiotemporal variability of rainfall extremes in monsoonal climates – examples from the South American Monsoon and the Indian Monsoon Systems, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 9-13, 2013, Talk invited. » Abstract

  262. H. E. Ridley, Y. Asmerom, J. U. L. Baldini, V. V. Aquino, S. F. M. Breitenbach, V. Polyak, K. M. Prufer, D. J. Kennett, B. J. Culleton, N. Marwan, F. A. Lechleitner, C. G. Macpherson G. H. Haug, J. Awe, : Variability in Central American rainfall amount and seasonality over the past four centuries: evidence from a monthly resolved Belizean stalagmite, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 9-13, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  263. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, LINC Mid-Term Review Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), November 17-20, 2013, Lecture.

  264. A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Spatial effects on network measures in complex networks, Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin (Germany), September 20, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  265. N. Molkenthin, K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Networks from flows – From dynamics to topology, Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin (Germany), September 20, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  266. J. Hlinka, D. Hartman, M. Vejmelka, N. Jajcay, L. Pokorná, J. Runge, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, M. Paluš: Challenges in directed network analysis documented on climate reanalysis surface temperature data, Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin (Germany), September 20, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  267. B. Goswami, J. Heitzig, K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, A. Ambili, S. Prasad, J. Kurths: Possible pasts: How to measure, interpret and work with uncertainties in paleoclimatic datasets, Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin (Germany), September 20, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  268. N. Marwan: Potential Pitfalls in Recurrence Plot Analysis, 5th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Chicago (USA), August 14-16, 2013, » Talk invited (PDF, 3.28M) . » Abstract

  269. J. H. Feldhoff, R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Geometric signatures of complex synchronization scenarios – A recurrence network perspective, 5th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Chicago (USA), August 14-16, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  270. N. Marwan: Practical Tutorial CRP Toolbox for MATLAB and RQA Software, 5th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Chicago (USA), August 14-16, 2013, Lecture and workshop.

  271. L. Tupikina, K. Rehfeld, S. Polanski, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of Indian Summer Monsoon variability for the past 1000 years, NetSci 2013, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 3-7, 2013, » Poster (PDF, 1.08M) .

  272. V. Stolbova, P. Martin, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of extreme precipitaion over the Indian subcontinent, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  273. K. Rehfeld, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, F. Lechleitner, N. Molkenthin, J. Kurths: Teleconnections and internal variability of the Asian Monsoon in the last 1000 years from paleoclimate data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  274. K. Rehfeld, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Comparison of linear and nonlinear similarity measures for irregularly sampled and age-uncertain time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  275. N. Marwan, K. Rehfeld, B. Goswami, S. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: COnstructing Proxy-Record Age models (COPRA), EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  276. K. Rehfeld, B. Goswami, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Paleoclimate networks: a concept meeting central challenges in the reconstruction of paleoclimate dynamics, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  277. J. Kurths, N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, J. Donges, R. Donner, N. Malik, N. Marwan, V. Stolbova: Network of Networks and the Climate System, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Medal lecture. » Abstract

  278. B. Goswami, N. Marwan, G. Feulner, J. Kurths: Directed network of global temperature drivers, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  279. A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, F. -W. Gerstengarbe, P. C. Werner: Non-linear time series analysis of precipitation events using regional climate networks for the region of Germany, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  280. J. Donges, J. Heitzig, J. Runge, C. H. C. Schultz, M. Wiedermann, A. Zech, J. Feldhoff, A. Rheinwalt, H. Kutza, A. Radebach, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Advanced functional network analysis in the geosciences: The pyunicorn package, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  281. K. Olouch, N. Marwan, M. Trauth, J. Kurths: Evolving Complex Networks Analysis of Space-Time Multi-Scale Wavelike Fields: Application to African Rainfall Dynamics, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 7-12, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  282. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Theme Workshop on Recurrence Plots, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan), April 10, 2013, Talk.

  283. N. Marwan, G. Zamora-Lopez: Juergen Kurths' world of publications, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, » Poster (PDF, 4.40M) . » Abstract

  284. P. Menck, J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: How basin stability complements the linear-stability paradigm, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  285. R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths: A complex network perspective for time series analysis of dynamical systems, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  286. A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, P. Werner, F.-W. Gerstengarbe: Boundary effects in network measures of spatially embedded networks, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  287. N. Molkenthin, K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Networks from flows – From dynamics to topology, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  288. J. Runge, J. Heitzig, V. Petoukhov, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Quantifying causality from time series of complex systems, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  289. J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, H. J. Schellnhuber, J. Kurths: Nonlinear detection of paleoclimate-variability transitions possibly related to human evolution, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  290. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, B. Goswami, S. F. M. Breitenbach J. Kurths: Paleoclimate networks: A concept meeting central challenges in the reconstruction of paleoclimate dynamics, Conference Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling, Potsdam (Germany), March 21-23, 2013, Poster. » Abstract

  291. A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, F. -W. Gerstengarbe, P. C. Werner, N. Boers, B. Goswami: Spatial effects on network measures in complex networks, XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid (Spain), June 3-7, 2013, Talk.

  292. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Detection of climate transitions in Asia derived from speleothems, SAGE2013 Conference, Berlin (Germany), March 14, 2013, Talk. » Abstract

  293. D. van de Wetering, J. H"\utterman, A. Mewes, N. Marwan: Extrem weather events and social resonance, Symposium Extreme Events: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction, Hannover (Germany), February 13-15, 2013, » Poster (PDF, 54.22K) .

  294. >2012

  295. S. F. M. Breitenbach, F. Lechleitner, B. Plessen, N. Marwan, H. Cheng, J. F. Adkins, G. H. Haug: Reconstructing monsoon variations in India – Evidence from speleothems, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 3–7, 2012, Talk invited. » Abstract

  296. J. Kurths, N. Marwan, J. Donges: Measuring topology in interacting climate networks, NOLTA Conference, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 22-26, 2012, Talk.

  297. N. Marwan, Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, M. H. Trauth, N. Wessel, G. M. Ramírez Ávila, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of recurrence plots, 5th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications, Fudan University, Shanghai (China), June 27-July 3, 2012, Talk. » Abstract

  298. N. Marwan, R. Donner, J. Donges, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of recurrences in phase space, 12th Experimental Chaos Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA), May 16-19, 2012, » Talk invited (PDF, 21.06M) . » Abstract

  299. N. Boers, B. Bookhagen, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Complex networks from event synchronization of rainfall events over South America, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, » Poster (PDF, 6.85M) . » Abstract

  300. S. F. M. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, F. Lechleitner, N. Marwan, J. F. Adkins, G. H. Haug: The glacial Indian summer monsoon – precipitation changes during Heinrich and D-O events in NE India, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  301. J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, H. J. Schellnhuber, J. Kurths: Nonlinear detection of paleoclimate-variability transitions possibly related to human evolution, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Talk. » Abstract

  302. J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, H. J. Schellnhuber, J. Kurths: Recurrence network-based time series analysis for identifying tipping points in Plio-Pleistocene African climate, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Talk invited. » Abstract

  303. J. H. Feldhoff, R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Bi- and multivariate recurrence network analysis for identifying and characterizing coupled geophysical systems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  304. B. Goswami, J. Heitzig, K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Using Bayesian regression to construct proxy time series from palaeoclimate archives, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Talk. » Abstract

  305. B. Goswami, J. Heitzig, K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The problem of calibration: A possible way to overcome the drawbacks of age models, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, » Poster (PDF, 1.43M) . » Abstract

  306. H. Kutza, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, R. V. Donner, U. Feudel, J. Kurths: Pattern recognition in complex networks, based on spatially embedded time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, » Poster (PDF, 8.76M) . » Abstract

  307. P. Martin, N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of high rainfall events during the northeast monsoon over south peninsular India and Sri Lanka, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  308. N. Marwan, K. Rehfeld, B. Goswami, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Proxy records with uncertainties on an absolute (true) time scale, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, » Poster (PDF, 7.78M) . » Abstract

  309. N. Marwan, B. Goswami, K. Rehfeld, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Reconstruction of uncertain age-depth relationships, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  310. K. Oluoch, N. Marwan, M. H. Trauth, A. Loew, J. Kurths: Complex networks dynamics based on events-phase synchronization and intensity correlation applied to the anomaly patterns and extremes in the tropical African climate system, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  311. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths: Mutual information estimation for irregularly sampled time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Talk. » Abstract

  312. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths: Pearson correlation estimation for irregularly sampled time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  313. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Kurths: Holocene monsoon variability as resolved in small complex networks from palaeodata, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Poster. » Abstract

  314. A. Rheinwalt, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, P. Werner: Boundary effects in network measures of spatially embedded networks – A case study for German rainfall data,, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 22-27, 2012, Talk. » Abstract

  315. >2011

  316. J. F. Adkins, S Breitenbach, B. Plessen, N. Marwan, D. C. Lund, P. Huybers, G. H. Haug: Holocene History of $\delta$18O and Grayscale from a Stalagmite in NE India, with Implications for Monsoon and ENSO Variability, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 5-9, 2011, Talk. » Abstract

  317. J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, H. J. Schellnhuber, J. Kurths: Nonlinear detection of large-scale transitions in Plio-Pleistocene African climate, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 5-9, 2011, Talk. » Abstract

  318. N. Marwan: Recent achievements in recurrence plot research, 4th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Hong Kong (China), December 5-8, 2011, Talk invited. » Abstract

  319. J. Feldhoff, R. Donner, J. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: On bi- and multivariate extensions of recurrence network analysis, 4th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Hong Kong (China), December 5-8, 2011, Talk. » Abstract

  320. E. J. Ngamga, N. Marwan, J. Donges, J. Kurths: Network approach for unvealing subtle transitions in dynamical systems, 4th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Hong Kong (China), December 5-8, 2011, » Poster (PDF, 719.17K) . » Abstract

  321. N. Marwan: Recurrence Plot Analysis for Physiological Data, Seminar in the LOEWE Research Center Preventive Biomechanics, Frankfurt University, Frankfurt/M. (Germany), November 16, 2011, Lecture.

  322. N. Marwan: Einführung in die Nichtlineare Datenanalyse, Graduate School "Visibility" at University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), June 29, 2011, Lecture.

  323. N. Marwan: Graphentheoretische Untersuchung komplexer Systeme, Workshop Klimawandel, Parasiten und Infektionskrankheiten, Berlin (Germany), March 3-4, 2011, Talk.

  324. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths: Kernel-based correlation estimation for irregularly sampled time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Talk. » Abstract

  325. N. Malik, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Employing nonlinear similarities to identify distinct dynamical regimes in short palaeo records, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Talk. » Abstract

  326. J. Donges, H. C. H. Schultz, N. Marwan, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Coupled climate networks for analysing the terrestrial atmosphere's vertical dynamical structure, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Poster. » Abstract

  327. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, J. Kurths: Linear and nonlinear similarity measures for networks from irregularly sampled data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Poster. » Abstract

  328. R. Donner, J. F. Donges, M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Large-scale transitions in Plio-Pleistocene African dust flux dynamics identified by recurrence network analysis, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Poster. » Abstract

  329. R. Donner, J. Heitzig, J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The Geometry of Chaotic Dynamics \u2013 A Complex Network Perspective, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 4-7, 2011, Poster. » Abstract

  330. N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, R. Donner, J. Heitzig, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Duality of complex network analysis and recurrence based analysis of time series, Climate Knowledge Discovery Workshop, Hamburg (Germany), March 30 - April 1, 2011, » Talk (PDF, 16.55M) .

  331. N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, R. Donner, J. Heitzig, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series, ECONS Spring School, Wandlitz (Germany), March 28 - March 31, 2011, Talk.

  332. >2010

  333. N. Marwan, R. Donner, J. Kurths: Complex networks, ECONS Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), July 19, 2010, Lecture.

  334. N. Marwan, N. Wessel, J. Kurths: Complex network analysis of time series for early detection of pregnant pre-eclampsia, BioSignal 2010: Advanced Technologies in Intensive Care and Sleep Medicine, Berlin (Germany), July 14-16, 2010,, Talk. » Abstract

  335. N. Marwan: Workshop on recurrence analysis for social therapies, Seminar Dept. of Psychology at the LMU, Munich (Germany), June 25, 2010, Lecture.

  336. N. Marwan: Modern nonlinear approaches for data analysis, GRADE Graduate School of University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt/M. (Germany), June 24, 2010, » Lecture (PDF, 37.28M) .

  337. N. Marwan, J Donges, R. Donner, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, » Talk invited (PDF, 16.31M) . » Abstract

  338. J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, J. Kurths: Consistently weighted measures for complex network topologies, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  339. A. Radebach, J. Runge, J. Zscheischler, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Evolving complex networks from global climatological fields on geodesic grids, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  340. R. V. Donner, Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Recurrence networks – A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  341. J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: On the backbone of climate networks, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  342. H. Schultz, J.F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Coupled climate networks, 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Theory and Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology (SYNCLINE), Bad Honnef (Germany), May 26-29, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  343. N. Marwan: Hot Topics in Recurrence Plot Analysis, Seminar at the Freiburg Center for Data Analysis and Modeling, Freiburg (Germany), April 27, 2010, Talk invited.

  344. N. Marwan, J Donges, N. Wessel, J. Kurths: Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of cardiovascular oscillations, 6th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO 2010), Berlin (Germany), April 12-14, 2010, » Talk (PDF, 11.37M) . » Abstract

  345. N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Spatial structures and directionalities in precipitation over South Asia, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  346. H. C. H. Schultz, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Coupled patterns in complex climate networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  347. A. Radebach, J. Runge, J. Zscheischler, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Evolving complex networks from global climatological fields on geodesic grids, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, » Poster (PDF, 27.02M) . » Abstract

  348. K. Rehfeld, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Correlation-based similarity networks for unequally sampled data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  349. N. Marwan, J. Donges, Y. Zou, R. Donner, J. Kurths: Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, » Poster (PDF, 8.51M) . » Abstract

  350. Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Identifying shrimps in continuous dynamical systems using recurrence-based methods, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  351. R. V. Donner, Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Recurrence networks – A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  352. N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Distinct dynamical regimes in monsoonal paleo-records and the role of solar forcing, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk. » Abstract

  353. K. Rehfeld, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, D. Wagenbach, S. Preunkert, S. Breitenbach: A correlation estimation algorithm adapted to irregular sampling applied to ice core and speleothem time series, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk. » Abstract

  354. J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The backbone of climate networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk. » Abstract

  355. J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Significance tests for spatially embedded complex networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  356. J. Heitzig, N. Marwan, Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, J. Kurths: Consistently weighted measures for complex network topologies, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk. » Abstract

  357. J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Recurrence structure of speleothem isotope records from Asia hints at simultaneous transitions in climate dynamics during the Holocene, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Poster. » Abstract

  358. R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, Y. Zou, J. Kurths: Epochs of synchronous changes and dynamical transitions in African dust flux variability over the past 5 Ma detected by recurrence network analysis, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk. » Abstract

  359. J. Kurths, J. F. Donges, R. V. Donner, N. Marwan, Y. Zou: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences – Potentials and Pitfalls, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, Talk invited. » Abstract

  360. N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, S. Breitenbach: Synchronous climate transitions during the Holocene in Asia derived from speleothems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2-7, 2010, » Poster (PDF, 4.97M) . » Abstract

  361. >2009

  362. Y. Zou, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The Backbone of the Climate Networks, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA)), December 14-18, 2009, Talk. » Abstract

  363. N. Marwan: Hot topics in the recurrence plot field, 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal (Canada), August 25, 2009, » Talk invited (PDF, 1.87M) . » Abstract

  364. N. Marwan: Introduction in the CRP Toolbox, 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal (Canada), August 25, 2009, Lecture and workshop. » Abstract

  365. R. Donner, J. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The complex network approach and recurrence quantification analysis, 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal (Canada), August 25, 2009, Talk. » Abstract

  366. S. Schinkel, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Confidence bounds of recurrence-based complexity measures, 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal (Canada), August 25, 2009, Talk. » Abstract

  367. Y. Zou, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Extracting indirect coupling by means of probabilities of recurrence: revisited,, 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal (Canada), August 25, 2009, Talk. » Abstract

  368. N. Marwan: Modern nonlinear approaches for data analysis, Course Global Change Management Studies, University of Applied Science Eberswalde, Eberswalde (Germany), June 8, 2009, Lecture.

  369. N. Marwan: Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems, Brainstorm meeting on Unconventional Energy Machine, Kloster Bronbach (Germany), April 23-25, 2009, Talk invited.

  370. N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Recurrence plots in Earth sciences, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, » Talk invited (PDF, 7.93M) . » Abstract

  371. J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: The backbone of the climate network, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, Poster. » Abstract

  372. Y. Zou, N. Marwan, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Extracting indirect coupling by means of recurrences, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, Poster. » Abstract

  373. J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Statistical significance tests for spatially embedded complex networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, Poster. » Abstract

  374. N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Characteristics, patterns and synchronization of monsoonal precipitation over India, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, Poster. » Abstract

  375. J. Kurths, N. Marwan: Synchronization and Recurrence: Are Nonlinear Approaches Useful in Geophysical Time Series Analysis?, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, Talk invited. » Abstract

  376. H. Schultz, J. F. Donges, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Global warming trend in climate networks, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 20-24, 2009, » Poster (PDF, 1.31M) .

  377. >2008

  378. N. Marwan, S. Schinkel, M. Trauth, J. Kurths: Significance for a recurrence based transition analysis, International Workshop on Extreme Events – Theory, Observations, Modeling, and Prediction (EXEV 08), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), November 10-14, 2008, Talk.

  379. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Detection of abrupt climate change using recurrence plots, Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam (Germany), October 8-10, 2008, Talk.

  380. N. Marwan: Cross recurrence plot toolbox: Recurrence plots for data analysis in geosciences, Workshop on Data analysis and modeling in Earth sciences (DAMES), Potsdam (Germany), September 29-October 1, 2008, Talk.

  381. N. Malik, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Lag synchronization between precipitation data of different meteorological stations during Indian Monsoon, Workshop on Data analysis and modeling in Earth sciences (DAMES), Potsdam (Germany), September 29-October 1, 2008, Talk. » Abstract

  382. N. Marwan, S. Schinkel, J. Kurths: A significance test for a recurrence based transition analysis, NOLTA conference, Budapest (Hungary), September 7-12, 2008, Talk invited. » Abstract

  383. N. Marwan, S. Schinkel: A statistical test for a recurrence based transition analysis of brain signals, DGBMT-Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung, Potsdam (Germany), July 16-18, 2008, » Poster (PDF, 1.14M) . » Abstract

  384. S. Schinkel, N. Marwan, J. Kurth: Symbol-based recurrence analysis of EEG data, DGBMT-Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung, Potsdam (Germany), July 16-18, 2008, Poster.

  385. N. Marwan, S. Schinkel, J. Kurths, M. Trauth: Significance for a recurrence based transition analysis, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 14-18, 2008, » Talk (MOV, 3.19M) . » Abstract

  386. N. Marwan, J. Kurths, M. Trauth: Detection of extreme events in palaeo-climate proxy data using recurrence plots, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 14-18, 2008, » Poster (PDF, 2.14M) .

  387. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. S. Thomsen, J. Kurths: Measuring changes of 3D structures in high-resolution $\mu$CT images of trabecular bone, Biosignals Conference 2008 (BIOSTEC 2008), Funchal (Portugal), Januar 28-31, 2008, » Talk (PDF, 5.17M) . » Abstract

  388. N. Marwan: Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems, IITM Colloquium Indian Institute for Tropical Meteorology, Pune (India), January 18, 2008, Talk.

  389. N. Marwan: Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems, Hands-on research on complex systems, Gandhinagar (India), January 6-18, 2008, » Lecture (MOV, 5.29M) .

  390. >2007

  391. S. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, H. Oberhänsli, N. Marwan, D. Lund, J. Adkins, D. Günther, M. Fricker, G. H. Haug: The Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon variability recorded in a stalagmite from NE India, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 10–14, 2007, Talk. » Abstract

  392. N. Marwan, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Final meeting DFG SPP 1114 on Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing, Münzingen (Germany), November 7-9, 2007, Talk.

  393. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Detection of climate transitions in Asia derived from speleothems, 3rd Physcon Conference, Potsdam (Germany), September 3-7, 2007, Talk. » Abstract

  394. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Detection of climate transitions in Asia derived from speleothems, 2nd International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Siena (Italy), September 9-12, 2007, » Poster (PDF, 4.35M) . » Abstract

  395. G. Litak, A. Syta, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Dynamics of the cutting process by recurrence plots, 2nd International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Siena (Italy), September 9-12, 2007, Poster. » Abstract

  396. N. Marwan, A. Junginger, M. Trauth, A. Bergner, Y. Garcin: Recurrence in climate variability – A comparison of modern climate data from Nakuru, Kenya, with Early Holocene palaeo-climate records, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 16-20, 2007, » Poster (PDF, 12.33M) . » Abstract

  397. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Detection of climate transitions in Asia derived from speleothems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 16-20, 2007, » Poster (PDF, 4.35M) . » Abstract

  398. N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach: Can nonlinear data analysis help to understand climate changes in Asia during the Holocene?, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 16-20, 2007, » Poster (PDF, 5.22M) . » Abstract

  399. S. Breitenbach, B. Plessen, N. Marwan, H. Oberhänsli, S. Prasad, B. S. Kotlia, D. Fernandez, J. Adkins, G. Haug: North Atlantic cold events pushed ITCZ southward and weakened Indian summer Monsoon in northern India, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 16-20, 2007, Poster.

  400. N. Marwan: Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems, Colloquium of the School of Physical Science, JNU, New-Delhi (India), March 10, 2007, Talk.

  401. >2006

  402. N. Marwan, N. Wessel, S. Schinkel, P. Saparin: Recurrence Plot basierte Biosignalverarbeitung, DGBMT-Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung, Potsdam (Germany), July 13-14, 2006, Talk. » Abstract

  403. N. Marwan: Hot Topics in the Recurrence Plot Developments with Illustrations and Applications, CSC Seminar, University of Siena, Siena (Italy), June 15, 2006, Talk.

  404. N. Marwan: Höhlenforschung im Alpinen Karst, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Dresden (Germany), June 2006, Talk.

  405. >2005

  406. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. Kurths: Generalisation of recurrence plot analysis for spatial data, NOLTA conference, Bruges (Belgium), October 18-21, 2005, » Talk (PDF, 4.25M) . » Abstract

  407. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. S. Thomsen, J. Kurths: A new quantitative approach for measuring changes of 3D structures in trabecular bone, 3rd European Congress "Achievements in Space Medicine into Healthcare Practice and Industry", Berlin (Germany), September 28-30, 2005, » Talk (PDF, 7.09M) . » Abstract

  408. N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Line structures in recurrence plots, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, Talk. » Abstract

  409. M. H. Trauth, N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Comparing modern and Pleistocene ENSO-like influences in NW Argentina using cross recurrence plot analysis, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, Talk. » Abstract

  410. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. Kurths: Recurrence plot extension for 2D spatial data, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, Talk. » Abstract

  411. N. Marwan, A. Groth: Improved recurrence quantification analysis for the investigation of ERP data, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, » Poster (PDF, 3.15M) . » Abstract

  412. N. Marwan, N. R. Nowaczyk, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Re-alignment of geological time series using the Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, » Poster (PDF, 453.11K) . » Abstract

  413. N. Wessel, N. Marwan, A. Schirdewan, J. Kurths: Recurrence plot analysis of heart rate variability before the onset of ventricular tachycardia, 1st International Recurrence Plot Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), September 22-24, 2005, Talk. » Abstract

  414. N. Marwan, N. R. Nowaczyk, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Re-alignment of geological time series using the Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox, 13th NDES meeting, Potsdam (Germany), September 18-22, 2005, » Poster (PDF, 453.11K) . » Abstract

  415. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. S. Thomsen, J. Kurths: An innovative approach for the assessment of 3D structures in trabecular bone,, 13th NDES meeting, Potsdam (Germany), September 18-22, 2005, » Poster (PDF, 10.14M) . » Abstract

  416. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, J. S. Thomsen, J. Kurths: An innovative approach for the assessment of 3D structures in trabecular bone, Joint Life Science Conference "Life in Space for Life on Earth", Cologne (Germany), June 26-30, 2005, » Poster (PDF, 10.14M) . » Abstract

  417. N. Marwan, A. Groth: Improved recurrence quantification analysis for the investigation of ERP data, Tandem Workshop on Advanced Methods of Electrophysiological Signal Analysis and Symbol Grounding – Dynamical Systems Approaches to Language, Potsdam (Germany), March 14–17, 2005, Poster. » Abstract

  418. >2004

  419. N. Marwan: Das Karstgebiet des Boljshoj Thac im Nordkaukasus, Karstrunde der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), November 24, 2004, » Talk invited (PDF, 8.27M) .

  420. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, W. Gowin, J. Kurths: 3D measures of complexity for the assessment of complex trabecular bone structures, 2nd Meeting Complexity in the Living, Rome (Italy), September 28, 2004, » Talk (PDF, 744.30K) . » Abstract

  421. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, W. Gowin, J. Kurths: On the way to new 3D measures of complexity for bone assessment, 2nd Meeting Complexity in the Living, Rome (Italy), September 28, 2004, » Poster (PDF, 677.82K) . » Abstract

  422. N. Marwan, P. Saparin, W. Gowin, J. Kurths: On the way to new 3D measures of complexity for bone assessment, 8th Experimental Chaos Conference, Florence (Italy), June 14–17, 2004, » Poster (PDF, 677.82K) . » Abstract

  423. N. Marwan, J. Kurths: Geometric structures in recurrence plots, EGU General Assembly, Nice (France), April 25–30, 2004, » Poster (PDF, 134.36K) .

  424. N. Marwan: Independent Component Analysis (ICA) und ihre Möglichkeiten in den Geowissenschaften, Kolloquium of Deptartment of Geophysics, University of Kiel, Kiel (Germany), February 2004, Talk.

  425. >2003

  426. N. Marwan, J. Kurths, U. Schwarz: Independent component analysis (ICA) of sedimentary rock magnetic data,, 28th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), April 7–11, 2003, » Poster (PDF, 1.59M) . » Abstract

  427. N. Marwan, U. Schwarz, J. Kurths: The Earth' magnetic field in the past 100 kyr (based on ICA), 28th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), April 7–11, 2003, » Poster (PDF, 339.50K) . » Abstract

  428. N. Marwan: Independent component analysis of rock magnetic measurements, PhD Day AGNLD, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), March, 2003, » Talk (PDF, 2.39M) .

  429. N. Marwan, N. Wessel, U. Meyerfeldt, A. Schirdewan, J. Kurths: Recurrence plot based analysis of heart rate variability before the onset of ventricular tachycardia, …, , January, 2003, » Poster (PDF, 92.67K) .

  430. >2002

  431. N. Marwan, N. R. Nowaczyk, M. Thiel: Cross recurrence plot based rescaling of geological time series, 27th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), April 22–26, 2002, » Poster (PDF, 123.55K) . » Abstract

  432. N. Marwan, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Significance of complexity measures based on cross recurrence plots, 27th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), April 22–26, 2002, » Poster (PDF, 90.59K) . » Abstract

  433. >2001

  434. N. Marwan, A. Meinke, P. beim Graben: Recurrence plots – Exemplary application to ERP data, Workshop on Analyzing and Modelling Event-Related Brain Potentials – Cognitive and Neural Approaches, Potsdam (Germany), November 2001, » Poster (PDF, 532.74K) .

  435. N. Marwan, N. Nowaczyk, J. Kurths, M. Thiel: Cross recurrence plot based rescaling of geological time series, 26th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), March 25–30, 2001, » Talk (PDF, 436.25K) . » Abstract

  436. N. Marwan, M. Trauth, U. Schwarz, J. Kurths, M. R. Strecker: El Niño impact on lake deposits in NW Argentina 30 000 14C years ago, 26th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), March 25–30, 2001, » Poster (PDF, 162.23K) . » Abstract

  437. >2000

  438. H. Fuchs, J. Kurths, N. Marwan, J. F. W. Negendank, K.-H. Rädler, M. Rheinhardt, U. Schwarz, N. Seehafer: Geomagnetic Variations – Spatio-Temporal Variations, Processes and Impacts on the System EarthENSO Impact on Landslide Generation in Northwestern Argentina, Europa 2000 im Zeichen der Physik, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany), May 5, 2000, » Poster (PDF, 0.00P) . » Abstract

  439. N. Marwan, M. Trauth, J. Kurths, U. Schwarz: ENSO Impact on Landslide Generation in Northwestern Argentina, 25th General Assembly of EGS, Nice (France), April 24–29, 2000,, Talk. » Abstract

  440. N. Marwan: Einfluß ozeanischer Telekonnexionen auf den Niederschlag in NW Argentinien vor 30 000 Jahren – Untersuchungen mit nichtlinearen Methoden der Datenanalyse, Seminar of the Sonderforschungsbereich 267/ Deformation Processes in the Andes, Berlin (Germany), February 2, 2000, Talk.

  441. >1999

  442. N. Marwan, M. H. Trauth, J. Kurths, U. Schwarz: Climate dynamics of varved Pleistocene lake sediments in NW Argentina, 24th General Assembly of EGS, Den Haag (The Netherlands), April 19–21, 1999, Talk. » Abstract

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