

Physical Review Letters, 100(12), 128101 (2008) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.128101

Effect of Stochastic Resonance on Bone Loss in Osteopenic Conditions

M. Rusconi, A. Zaikin, N. Marwan, J. Kurths

We investigate the effect of noise on the remodelling process of the inner spongy part of the trabecular bone. Recently, a new noise-induced phenomenon in bone formation has been reported experimentally. We propose the first conceptual model for this finding, explained by the stochastic resonance effect, and provide a theoretical basis for the development of new countermeasures for bone degeneration in long space flights, which currently has dramatic consequences on return to standard gravity. These results may also be applicable on Earth for patients under osteopenic conditions.
