The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88(10), 4569–4575 (2003)

Effect of Pamidronate Treatment in Children with Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone

H. Plotkin, F. Rauch, L. Zeitlin, C. Munns, R. Travers, F. H. Glorieux

Intravenous infusions with the bisphosphonate compound pamidronate decrease bone pain and reportedly can lead to refilling of dysplastic lesions in adults with fibrous dysplasia (FD) of bone. Here we describe the effects of this treatment approach in 18 children and adolescents (age at start of therapy, 6.2-17.5 yr; eight girls) with polyostotic FD, who received pamidronate for 1.2-9.1 yr (median, 3.8 yr). Treatment cycles with pamidronate (1-1.5 mg/kg·d on 3 consecutive days) were given every 4 months. Levels of serum alkaline phosphatase and urinary collagen type I N-telopeptide were elevated at baseline and decreased continuously during the first 3 yr of therapy. There was no radiographic evidence of filling of lytic lesions or thickening of the bone cortex surrounding the lesions in any patient. Histomorphometric results in dysplastic bone tissue of patients receiving pamidronate (n


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