Journal of Surgical Oncology, 76(3), 157–166 (2001), DOI:10.1002/jso.1028

Fibrous dysplasia of bone: Management and outcome of 20 cases

L. C. M. Keijser, T. G. van Tienen, H. W. B. Schreuder, J. A. M. Lemmens, M. Pruszczynski, R. P. H. Veth

Background and Objectives Fibrous dysplasia of bone is difficult to manage because of its variable clinical course with many different methods of treatment reported. Therefore we report on our experience.

MethodsWe reviewed a series of 20 patients with 32 lesions included. The average age at the time of diagnosis was 32 years for monostotic disease, 26 years for polyostotic disease, and 3 years for McCune-Albright syndrome. The median follow-up period was 6 years. Functional and radiographic outcomes were scored.

Results and ConclusionsMonostotic disease mostly presented with a circumscribed lesion and monitoring was often sufficient. Symptomatic circumscribed lesions showed satisfactory outcome when treated with curettage, cryosurgery and bone grafting. Lesions of the extended type were most of all seen in polyostotic disease and eventually needed operative treatment. In case of bony deformity, corrective osteotomies and rigid internal fixation were performed in addition to curettage, cryosurgery, and bone grafting. In polyostotic disease, expected outcomes were good, but in McCune-Albright syndrome, results were uniformly poor.


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