Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20(2), 219–226 (2005), DOI:10.1359/JBMR.041111

An Instrument to Measure Skeletal Burden and Predict Functional Outcome in Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone

M. T. Collins, H. Kushner, J. C. Reynolds, C. Chebli, M. H. Kelly, A. Gupta, B. Brillante, A. I. Leet, M. Riminucci, P. Gehron Robey, P. Bianco, S. Wientroub, C. C. Chen

An instrument to measure skeletal burden in fibrous dysplasia was developed. Biological and clinical relevance was shown by correlating skeletal burden scores with bone markers, quality of life, and ambulatory status. Childhood scores predict adult ambulatory status, and scores were unaffected when bone markers decreased with bisphosphonate treatment or aging.

Introduction: Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a skeletal disease with a broad clinical expression. There is no objective method to assess the extent of skeletal involvement or predict outcome. We developed an instrument to measure skeletal burden that correlates with physical function, health-related quality of life (HRQL), and ambulatory status.

Materials and Methods: Seventy-nine patients with FD underwent bone scintigraphy. The skeletal burden score was derived from a weighted score based on the regional measurement using bone scintigraphy to estimate the amount of FD in anatomical segments. Six readers scored 20 scans twice to determine the inter- and intrareader agreement. To assess biological significance, scores were correlated with bone markers. To assess functional outcome, scores on the SF-36 (adults) or CHQ-PF50 (children) were correlated with skeletal burden scores. In a group of patients who had bone scans as children and adults (n


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