Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 10(2), 113–120 (1999), DOI:10.1016/S1043-1810(99)80031-1

Fibrous dysplasia of the sinuses and orbit: Surgical techniques

K. Chowdhury, V. L. Schramm

Symptomatic fibrous dysplasia of the orbits and paranasal sinuses causing deformity or functional impairment is best treated with total or near total resection and reconstruction. Modern craniofacial and skull base surgical techniques permit this approach with relatively little patient morbidity. Autogenous split cranial bone grafts are optimal for reconstruction with allogenic cortical bone and hydroxyapatite cement providing additional contouring materials. If computed tomography imaging reveals optic canal encroachment and ophthalmologic evaluation shows visual disturbance from fibrous dysplasia involvement, then 3-wall optic nerve decompression should be performed concurrently with resection of the dysplasia. Careful and long-term follow-up of these young patients is essential for documenting the advantageous outcome of these treatment approaches.


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