M. Zhang, D. Li, G. Li, D. Lu (in press)

Geo-Spatial Information Science, (), p. (in press) DOI:10.1080/10095020.2024.2336604

Vegetation classification in a subtropical region with Sentinel-2 time series data and deep learning

M. Zhang, D. Li, G. Li, D. Lu

Preparing regular time series optical remote sensing data is a difficult task due to the influences of frequently cloudy and rainy days. The irregular data and their forms severely limit the data's ability to be analyzed and modeled for vegetation classification. However, how irregular time series data affect vegetation classification in deep learning models is poorly understood. To address these questions, this research preprocessed the 2019-2021 time series of Sentinel-2 in both unequal and equal intervals, and transformed them into an image through recurrence plot for each pixel. The initial one-dimension time series (1DTS) and recurrence plot data were then used as input data for three deep learning methods (i.e. Conv1D model based on one-dimensional convolution, GoogLeNet model based on two-dimensional convolution, and CGNet model which fused Conv1D and GoogLeNet) for vegetation classification, respectively. The class separability of the features generated by each model was evaluated and the importance of spectral and temporal features was further examined through gradient backpropagation. The equal-interval time series data significantly improved the classification accuracy with 0.04, 0.13, and 0.09 for Conv1D, GoogLeNet, and CGNet, respectively. The CGNet achieved the highest classification accuracy, indicating that the information from 1DTS and recurrence plot can be a good complementary for vegetation classification. The importance of spectral bands and time showed that the Sentinel-2 red edge-1 spectral band played a critical role in the identification of eucalyptus, loquat, and honey pomelo, but the importance order of bands varied in different vegetation types in GoogLeNet. The time importance varied across different vegetation types but is similar in these deep learning models. This study quantified the impacts of organizational form (1DTS and recurrence plot) of time series data on different models. This research is valuable for us to choose appropriate data structures and efficient deep learning models for vegetation classification.


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