Q. Zeng, C. Hu, J. Sun, Y. Shen, K. Miao (2024)

Symmetry, 16(3), 266p. (2024) DOI:10.3390/sym16030266

Monitoring of Thermoacoustic Combustion Instability via Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Optimized Deep Belief Network

Q. Zeng, C. Hu, J. Sun, Y. Shen, K. Miao

Thermoacoustic oscillation is indeed a phenomenon characterized by the symmetric coupling of thermal and acoustic waves. This paper introduces a novel approach for monitoring and predicting thermoacoustic combustion instability using a combination of recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) and an optimized deep belief network (DBN). Six samples of combustion state data were collected using two distinct types of burners to facilitate the training and validation of GA-DBN. The proposed methodology leverages RQA to extract intricate patterns and dynamic features from time series data representing combustion behavior. By quantifying the recurrence plot of specific patterns, the analysis provides valuable insights into the underlying thermoacoustic dynamics. Among three different feature extraction methods, RQA stands out remarkably in performance. These RQA-derived features serve as input to a carefully tuned DBN, which is trained to learn the complex relationships within the combustion process. The classification accuracy of deep belief network optimized by genetic algorithm (GA-DBN) reached an impressive 99.8%. Subsequent multiple comparisons were conducted between GA-DBN, DBN, and support vector machine (SVM), revealing that GA-DBN consistently demonstrated satisfactory classification results. This method holds significant importance in monitoring intricate combustion states.


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