Z. Yang, S. Dong (2024)

Renewable Energy, 226, 120406p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2024.120406

A novel framework for wind energy assessment at multi-time scale based on non-stationary wind speed models: A case study in China

Z. Yang, S. Dong

Wind energy assessment at multi-time scale is essential for the effective utilization of offshore wind resources. Conventionally, energy assessment factors are estimated based on parametric models under the assumption of wind speed stationarity. However, given the subjection of seasonal variability and long-term trends, the hypothesis is violated, especially in the context of climate change. In this paper, to advance the conventional approach, wind speeds were modelled using the decomposition-based method to consider the non-stationarity, and a novel framework for the estimation of energy factors at multi-time scale was designed. Using long-term ERA5 data, wind energy potential across the sea area along Chinese continental coastline was investigated. It is demonstrated that the established non-stationary models are superior to commonly used stationary models, allowing the estimation of energy assessment factors at arbitrary time scales after one-time parametrization of parametric distributions. Results confirmed that wind energy exhibits apparently temporal and spatial variability. The difference between annual averaged wind power density at different nodes exceeds 1000 W/m2. Moreover, significant long-term trends of wind energy characteristics were detected. The increase can be up to 16 W/m2/year in Taiwan Strait, emphasizing that an adequate consideration of the non-stationarity of wind speed in future research is required.


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