Z. Yan, D. Xiao, H. Sun, L. Zhang, L. Yin (2024)

Fuel, 373, 132381p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.132381

Coal type identification with application result quantification based on deep-ensemble learning and image-encoded reflectance spectroscopy

Z. Yan, D. Xiao, H. Sun, L. Zhang, L. Yin

Accurate coal type identification is essential for efficient coal utilization. This study proposes a coal type identification method based on image-encoded reflectance spectra and deep-ensemble learning. Firstly, we encode the reflectance spectra into images using methods based on Gramian Angular Summation Field (GASF), Gramian Angular Difference Field (GADF), Markov Transition Field (MTF), and Recurrence Plot (RP). These encoding methods facilitate the establishment of relationships between spectral bands, reflectance properties, and coal types. Subsequently, a novel diffusion model is introduced for learning from the spectral images and generating a substantial number of spectral images to augment the dataset. Finally, this study proposes a deep-ensemble learning model, IRDE-Net, designed to effectively learn both global features and local key features of spectral images. The experimental results demonstrate that IRDE-Net achieves optimal identification performance on spectral images encoded using the MTF method. The model attained an Accuracy of 94.29%, Precision of 94.36%, Recall of 94.29%, and F1 score of 94.31%. This study conducts a comparison with various advanced methods, quantifying the costs and pollution resulting from misidentification in the coal application process by different methods. It clearly demonstrates the significant contribution of the approach proposed in this study to the practical application of energy resources.


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