Y. Wang, C. Hyeon, C. Hoon (2024)

Aerospace Science and Technology, 154, 109503p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.ast.2024.109503

Effects of injector spacing and momentum flux ratio on combustion instability in a model chamber with gas-centered swirl coaxial injectors

Y. Wang, C. Hyeon, C. Hoon

This study investigates the effects of injector spacing and momentum flux ratio on combustion instability in a model chamber with single and two injectors, both experimentally and numerically. For the experiments, injectors similar to those used in actual rocket engines were installed in a laboratory-constructed model chamber. Numerical simulations were conducted using ANSYS Fluent, employing a detailed combustion model to complement the experimental data. Flow conditions were categorized as fuel-lean and fuel-rich based on the fuel mass flow rate. The injector spacing varied from 15 to 45 mm, and the momentum flux ratio was adjusted from 6.4 to 139.8 by manipulating the fuel and oxidizer flow rates. Both experimental and numerical results consistently revealed distinct trends in combustion instability for lean and rich conditions, influenced by injector spacing and momentum flux ratio. Combustion stabilization was consistently more effective under fuel-rich conditions. Increasing the momentum flux ratio intensified combustion instability regardless of the fuel condition. For fuel-lean conditions, a rapid transition in combustion stability was observed, with the specific transition point varying depending on the injector spacing. Considering the trade-off between instability and injector number density, a spacing of 30 mm between injectors is recommended. Additionally, for both single and two injectors with various spacings under both lean and rich conditions, combustion stability was generally better when the momentum flux ratio was less than 48.8. These findings provide valuable insights into the control and management of combustion instability, aiding in the design of rocket engine combustors.


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