E. Vescovo, A. D'Ausilio (2024)

Physics of Life Reviews, 50, 1–3p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.plrev.2024.04.009

The too many facets of motor output variability. Comment on "From neural noise to co-adaptability: Rethinking the multifaceted architecture of motor variability" by Casartelli, L., Maronati, C., & Cavallo, A.

E. Vescovo, A. D'Ausilio

In their review, Casartelli and colleagues provided a comprehensive overview on motor variability “with the primary aim of building a precise lexicon that goes beyond the generic and monolithic use of motor variability†[2]. The outline of their review of the literature aligns perfectly with the position put forward by Newell and Corcos [9] in their classical monography: variability is inherent within and between all biological systems, and its role is not exclusively detrimental or beneficial to human movement.


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