M. Swapna, S. Sankararaman (2024)

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(20), 8307–8314p. (2024) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c01427

Exploring the Enigma: Decoding the Mystery behind Noiselike Patterns in Thermal Lens Signal

M. Swapna, S. Sankararaman

For the first time, this study unveils the enigma behind the noiselike patterns superimposed over the signal of photothermal lensing spectroscopy that has emerged as a powerful tool for nondestructive evaluation. The single-beam thermal lens (TL) signal of a sample (illustrated using ethylene glycol) is recorded using an ultrasensitive photodetector and a digital storage oscilloscope. The signal exhibits fluctuations superimposed that the photothermal spectroscopic community considered as noise so far, limiting the accuracy of the technique. The comprehensive analysis carried out helps in decoding the mystery behind the superimposed fluctuations in TL signal, affirming the nonwhite noise (WN) nature of the signal and emphasizing that they carry valuable information. These findings not only challenge preconceived assumptions but also unveil novel pathways, offering new perspectives that enhance our understanding of the dynamics within the medium in the realm of TL spectroscopy and are deciphered with literature support.


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