K. Sharika, S. Thaikkandi, Nivedita, M. L. Platt (2024)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(21), e2313801121p. (2024) DOI:10.1073/pnas.2313801121

Interpersonal heart rate synchrony predicts effective information processing in a naturalistic group decision-making task

K. Sharika, S. Thaikkandi, Nivedita, M. L. Platt

Groups often outperform individuals in problem-solving. Nevertheless, failure to critically evaluate ideas risks suboptimal outcomes through so-called groupthink. Prior studies have shown that people who hold shared goals, perspectives, or understanding of the environment show similar patterns of brain activity, which itself can be enhanced by consensus-building discussions. Whether shared arousal alone can predict collective decision-making outcomes, however, remains unknown. To address this gap, we computed interpersonal heart rate synchrony, a peripheral index of shared arousal associated with joint attention, empathic accuracy, and group cohesion, in 44 groups (n


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