J. Seon, Y. Sun, S. Kim, J. Kim (2021)

Energies, 14(22), 7630p. (2021) DOI:10.3390/en14227630

Time‐lapse image method for classifying appliances in nonintrusive load monitoring

J. Seon, Y. Sun, S. Kim, J. Kim

In this paper, a time‐lapse image method is proposed to improve the classification accuracy for multistate appliances with complex patterns based on nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM). A log‐likelihood ratio detector with a maxima algorithm was applied to construct a real-time event detection of home appliances. Moreover, a novel image‐combining method was employed to extract information from the data based on the Gramian angular field (GAF) and recurrence plot (RP) transformations. From the simulation results, it was confirmed that the classification accuracy can be increased by up to 30% with the proposed method compared with the conventional approaches in classifying multistate appliances.


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