M. Rosso, C. Gener, B. Moens, P. Maes, M. Leman (2024)

Heliyon, 10(13), e33831p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33831

Perceptual coupling in human dyads: Kinematics does not affect interpersonal synchronization

M. Rosso, C. Gener, B. Moens, P. Maes, M. Leman

The minimal, essential condition for individuals to interact is that they exchange information via at least one sensory channel. Once informational coupling is established, it enables basic forms of coordinated behavior to spontaneously emerge from the interaction. Our previous study revealed different coordination dynamics in dyads engaged in a joint finger-tapping task based on visual versus auditory coupling. This observation led us to propose the ‘modality-dependent hypothesis', which posits that coordination dynamics are influenced by the sensory modality mediating informational coupling. However, recognizing that different modalities have inherent differences in accessing spatiotemporal features of perceived movement, we formulated the alternative ‘kinematic hypothesis'. This hypothesis posits that differences in dynamics would vanish given equivalent kinematic information across modalities. The study involved forty (N


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