Y. Nanda, S. Muralidharan, A. Saurabh, L. Kabiraj, E. Gutmark (2024)

Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2024, (), p. (2024) DOI:10.2514/6.2024-0593

Intermittent Oscillations in Non-premixed Swirl Flames

Y. Nanda, S. Muralidharan, A. Saurabh, L. Kabiraj, E. Gutmark

Thermoacoustic instabilities caused by a swirl nozzle which has been optimized for NOx emissions have been studied in an atmospheric combustor and a staged multi-nozzle lean direct injection combustor which has the operational power of a gas turbine combustor. Type-II intermittency was detected in both systems, the unstable dynamics of the acoustics and the flame arising during the intermittent states have been investigated and compared across the two systems to understand the changes in intermittent behavior with a single nozzle and multiple nozzles. Intermittent combustion oscillations in the atmospheric combustor were also compared with and without an exit plate. Scalar pressure measurements were used for phase space reconstruction of recurrence plots to analyze the non-linear behavior of the instability. Recurrence plots were quantified by the calculation of recurrence rate, determinism, entropy, and averaged line lengths. Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition using time-resolved OH* Chemiluminescence images was performed to extract the complex features of the flame during the instability cycle.


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