W. Liu, H. Su, R. Xue, Q. Yang, L. Yao, C. Zheng, H. Wang, X. Gao (2024)

Fuel, 377, 132792p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.132792

Spray swirling flame dynamic under combined modulation of air and fuel

W. Liu, H. Su, R. Xue, Q. Yang, L. Yao, C. Zheng, H. Wang, X. Gao

Combustion instability is still a main challenge in developing advanced gas turbine combustors. It is essential to conduct instability control once it occurs. In this paper, liquid fuel modulation by a high-speed on/off valve is used to control flame oscillation generated by loudspeakers. Spray swirling flame dynamic under the combined modulation of air and fuel is experimentally studied. Flame dynamical characteristics and coherent structures at different excitation phase delays are discussed with nonlinear time-series analysis and proper orthogonal decomposition method. Experimental results show flame heat release rate fluctuation is decreased by 86% at 40° while flame instability is intensively enhanced at 220°. Phase portraits and recurrence plots show the flame is in a chaotic oscillation with low amplitude aperiodic oscillations at 40° while it suffers from the largest fluctuation at 220°. Difference in flame dynamic is caused by the destructive (out of phase) and constructive (in phase) interference of heat release rate fluctuations induced by air excitation and fuel modulation. Flame returns back to its nature dynamical behavior under out-of-phase modulation. Longitudinal modes of the spray flame are enhanced while the spiral modes are inhibited under in-phase modulation.


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