Q. Li, Y. Lai, D. Cao (2024)

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 60(2), 144–156p. (2024) DOI:10.1134/S1061830923601393

Investigating Electromagnetic Acoustic Emission Signals Denoising for Alloy Materials Nondestructive Testing: A CRQA Method

Q. Li, Y. Lai, D. Cao

Abstract: Aiming at the problem that signals collected from local electromagnetic loading operations are usually mixed with background noises (especially white noise), this paper proposed an electromagnetic acoustic emission signal denoising technology based on cross recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA). Firstly, the decomposition layer and penalty factor of variational mode decomposition are set by experience or optimization algorithm, and then the original signal is decomposed. Secondly, the main components are selected by the CRQA algorithm, and the electromagnetic acoustic emission signal after denoising is obtained by superposition reconstruction. The simulation and experimental results show that when 5 dB noise is added, CRQA can effectively remove the background noises in electromagnetic acoustic emission signals compared to the correlation coefficient algorithm, and it can assist in realizing the high-precision nondestructive testing of alloy materials.


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