K. Kato, H. Hashiba, J. Nagao, H. Gotoda, Y. Nabae, R. Kurose (2024)

Physical Review E, 110(2), 024204p. (2024) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.110.024204

Dynamic behavior and driving region of spray combustion instability in a backward-facing step combustor

K. Kato, H. Hashiba, J. Nagao, H. Gotoda, Y. Nabae, R. Kurose

We numerically study the dynamic behavior and driving region of spray combustion instability in a backwardfacing step combustor using analytical methodologies based on dynamical systems theory, symbolic dynamics, complex networks, and machine learning. The global dynamic behavior of a heat release rate field represents low-dimensional chaotic oscillations with deterministically aperiodic intercycle dynamics. Spray combustion instability is driven in the formation and separation region of a large-scale organized vortex induced by the hydrodynamic shear layer instability at the edge of the backstep. This region corresponds fairly to that of the hub in an acoustic-energy-flux-based spatial network. The feature importance in a random forest is valid for clarifying the feedback coupling of spray combustion instability.


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