J. Iwaniec, G. Litak, M. Iwaniec, J. Margielewicz, D. Gkaska, M. Melnyk, W. Zabierowski (2021)

Energies, 14(13), 3926p. (2021) DOI:10.3390/en14133926

Response identification in a vibration energy-harvesting system with quasi-zero stiffness and two potential wells

J. Iwaniec, G. Litak, M. Iwaniec, J. Margielewicz, D. Gkaska, M. Melnyk, W. Zabierowski

In this paper, the frequency broadband effect in vibration energy harvesting was stud-ied numerically using a quasi-zero stiffness resonator with two potential wells and piezoelectric transducers. Corresponding solutions were investigated for system excitation harmonics at vari-ous frequencies. Solutions for the higher voltage output were collected in specific branches of the power output diagram. Both the resonant solution synchronized with excitation and the frequency responses of the subharmonic spectra were found. The selected cases were illustrated and classified using a phase portrait, a Poincaré section, and recurrence plot (RP) approaches. Select recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) measures were used to characterize the discussed solutions.


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