W. Huang, X. Zhu, Y. Jin, X. Shen (2024)

Ocean Engineering, 310, 118731p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.118731

Nonstationary modelling of significant wave height using time series decomposition method

W. Huang, X. Zhu, Y. Jin, X. Shen

Marine structures are typically designed to withstand extreme events of a specific return period derived within a stationary framework. Nevertheless, this stationarity assumption may not hold under global climate change. The risks associated with a nonstationary process could vary with time, necessitating an extension of the concept of static return values. This study proposes a nonstationary modelling approach for significant wave height, assuming that a hydrologic process consists of a time-dependent component and a stationary random component. The approach utilizes singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and recurrence quantification analysis to separate the time series into deterministic and stochastic processes. Nonstationary return values were estimated by conventional frequency analysis on the stochastic component and identifying the temporal evolution of deterministic component using predictable climatic factors. Numerical simulations show that this approach effectively captures deterministic and stochastic patterns, providing reliable estimates of nonstationary quantiles. Moreover, the method was applied to the Niño 3.4 region, establishing the relationship between the deterministic process and sea surface temperature via deep learning. The results confirm the model's accuracy in predicting return values, highlighting its potential in designing marine structures in changing environments.


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