W. Fan, T. Feng, Y. He, F. Chen (2024)

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers C, 238(12), 5891–5901p. (2024) DOI:10.1177/09544062231217613

Research on fault diagnosis method of linear vibration screen based on fused RP-improved CNN

W. Fan, T. Feng, Y. He, F. Chen

A fault diagnosis method based on fused RP (recurrence plot) and improved CNN (convolutional neural networks) is proposed for the traditional fault diagnosis method of linear vibrating screen manually designed and optimized features with feature quality uncertainty. A deep convolutional neural network combination model (MDCNN) with high-level feature fusion is designed. The collected multi-source vibration signals were converted into black and white recurrence plot, and fusion into three-channel RGB recurrence plot. Fault diagnosis was classified by the combination model of deep convolution neural network with high level feature fusion. The results show that the recurrence plot of homologous multi-sensor signals contains more information about the characteristics of the vibrating screen than the original colorful signal map or the Gram Point Field, which contributes to the feature learning and classification of MDCNN, with an average recognition accuracy of 97.59% under strong vibrating sift-5db noise. Compared with manifold classical neural network models, the MDCNN model is proved to be effective, stable and small space occupying.


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