E. Dos, S. Paulo (2024)

Revista Brasileira de Geografia Fisica, 17(3), 1501–1520p. (2024) DOI:10.26848/rbgf.v17.3.p1501-1520

Study of turbulent regimes for the Amazon atmosphere based on recurrence quantification analysis [Estudo dos regimes turbulentos para a atmosfera amazônica baseado na análise de quantificacc ao de recorr^encia]

E. Dos, S. Paulo

When analyzing recurring data from micrometeorological time series, researchers can detect similar patterns and understand turbulent regimes based on their classifications. In this study, the nonlinear methods of Recurrence Plot (RP) and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) were applied to turbulent regimes classified according to the HOST theory. The variables of velocity (V) and virtual temperature (Tv) were analyzed using data collected during the GoAmazon 2014/15 Project. The non-stationarity of the time series was captured by the RPs, which showed variability around the Line of Instability (LOI). The results suggest greater stability in the V time series compared to the Tv variable. Turbulent regime 1, characterized by lower values of V and higher values of Tv, exhibited higher complexity in their RPs and therefore higher entropy values. This is in line with turbulence theory, as the suppression of vertical mixing and turbulence dissipation leads to more complex flow patterns near the surface.


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