M. Dijk, W. Lowie, N. Smit, M. Verspoor, P. Geert (in press)

Second Language Research, (), p. (in press) DOI:10.1177/02676583241246739

Complex dynamic systems theory as a foundation for process-oriented research on second language development

M. Dijk, W. Lowie, N. Smit, M. Verspoor, P. Geert

In the past decades, complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) has been used as an important framework for studying second language development. CDST is a metatheory of change and focuses on processes. Even though it has been broadly accepted as an inspiring dimension of research in psychology, sociology and second language development, some scholars have raised questions about the methodologies used, the interpretation of the data, and the nature of its claims. Specifically, Pallotti questioned whether CDST generates testable hypotheses, and criticized its position towards reductionism and generalizability, based on philosophical argumentations. The present article evaluates the issues addressed, reviews the work that has already been done, and looks ahead at future CDST applications to research in second language development, by exploring recent methodological developments in the field.


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