J. Cui, Z. Hao, H. Tian, Y. Yang, J. Wang, X. Lin (2024)

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16, 1330063p. (2024) DOI:10.3389/fnagi.2024.1330063

The effects of Tai Chi on standing balance control in older adults may be attributed to the improvement of sensory reweighting and complexity rather than reduced sway velocity or amplitude

J. Cui, Z. Hao, H. Tian, Y. Yang, J. Wang, X. Lin

Introduction: Tai Chi has proved to be an effective therapy for balance performance and cognition. However, non-consistency exists in the results of the effect of Tai Chi training on standing balance control in older adults. This study aimed to use traditional and non-traditional methods to investigate the effect of Tai Chi on standing balance in older adults. Methods: Thirty-six Tai Chi practitioners (TC group) and thirty-six older adults with no Tai Chi practice (control group) were recruited in this study. A Nintendo Wii Balance Board was used to record the center of pressure (COP) during standing balance over 20 s in the condition of eyes closed with three repetitions. The wavelet analysis, multiscale entropy, recurrence quantification analysis, and traditional methods were used to evaluate the standing balance control in the anterior-posterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions. Results: (1) Greater sway mean velocity in the AP direction and sway Path length were found in the TC group compared with the control group; (2) lower Very-low frequency band (0.10–0.39 Hz) and higher Moderate frequency band (1.56–6.25 Hz) in the AP and ML directions were found in the TC group compared with the control group; (3) greater complexity index (CI) and lower determinism (DET) in the AP and ML directions were observed in the TC group compared with control group; (4) greater path length linked with smaller Very-low frequency band in the AP and ML directions and higher Moderate frequency band in the AP direction in both groups; (5) greater path length linked with lower DET and higher CI in the AP direction only in the TC group. Conclusion: Long-term Tai Chi practice improved sensory reweighting (more reliance on the proprioception system and less reliance on the vestibular system) and complexity of standing balance control in older adults. In addition, greater sway velocity may be as an exploratory role in standing balance control of TC older adults, which correlated with greater complexity, but no such significant relationship in the control group. Therefore, the effects of Tai Chi practice on standing balance control in older adults may be attributed to the improvement of sensory reweighting and complexity rather than reduced sway velocity or amplitude.


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