Y. Cheng, H. Li, S. Sun, W. Liu, X. Jia, Y. Yu (2024)

Information Sciences, 679, 121109p. (2024) DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2024.121109

Short-term subway passenger flow forecasting approach based on multi-source data fusion

Y. Cheng, H. Li, S. Sun, W. Liu, X. Jia, Y. Yu

Accurate short-term subway passenger flow forecasting is essential in improving the efficiency of daily operation and the management of subway system. Existing research often overlooks the impacts of randomness and unevenness in passenger flows caused by population migrations, also predominantly emphasizes feature selection while neglecting effective feature fusion. To address this gap, we propose a novel hybrid subway passenger flow forecasting approach adopting multi-source data fusion technique. Firstly, the dual processing module consisting of Grey Relation Analysis and SHapley Additive exPlanations is used to gather influencing features. Then, the multivariate empirical mode decomposition decomposes the selected features into multidimensional intrinsic mode functions. To discern and extract the effective components from the decomposed intrinsic mode functions, secondary feature selection module based on Spearman Correlation Coefficient is performed. Finally, the determined components are categorized into three classes by combining recurrence plot and picture information entropy, each class is assigned suitable predictor to ensure accurate forecasting. Experimental results based on three real subway passenger flow datasets from Guangzhou, Beijing, and Chengdu verifies the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Therefore, the introduction of population migration index and the effective fusion of information are significant to improve subway passenger flow forecasting.


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