Y. Chen, Z. Dong, C. Xu, J. Liu, Y. Si, T. Chen (2024)

Measurement Science and Technology, 35(7), 075501p. (2024) DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/ad3a87

The rapid detection method of brown tide algae concentration based on unthresholded recurrence plots and improved broad learning system

Y. Chen, Z. Dong, C. Xu, J. Liu, Y. Si, T. Chen

In recent years, there have been frequent outbreaks of harmful algal blooms (HAB) in coastal areas, which have caused serious economic losses to the local community. Therefore, accurate and rapid prediction of microalgal concentrations is necessary for early warning and countermeasures before the occurrence of HAB. This paper presents a model for predicting microalgae concentration based on unthresholded recurrence plots (UTRPs) combined with an improved broad learning system (BLS). Spectral data acquisition of algae species at different concentrations using l-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Then, the 1D spectral data are dimensionally lifted by UTRPs transformation, recurrence plots (RPs) transformation can fully extract the internal information of 1D sequence data, and at the same time, UTRPs avoids the influence of artificially selected thresholds on the feature transformation results of traditional (RPs). Finally, a lightweight flat network BLS was used for microalgae concentration regression prediction, at the same time the BLS regularization method was improved. When comparing the two most commonly used deep learning regression models and integrated learning models, UTRPs and elastic net (UTRPs-ENBLS) achieves convincing results.


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