wsp {sowas}R Documentation

Wavelet Sample Spectrum


This funtion estimates the wavelet spectrum of a time series object with the Morlet wavelet.


wsp(ts, s0 = 1, noctave = 5, nvoice = 10, w0 = 2*pi, sw = 0, tw = 0,
swabs = 0, siglevel = 0.95, critval = NULL, nreal = 1000, arealsiglevel
= 0.9, kernel = 0, markt = -999, marks = -999, logscale = FALSE, plot =
TRUE, units = "", device = "screen", file = "wsp", color = TRUE, pwidth
= 10, pheight = 7, labsc = 1, labtext = "", sigplot = 3)


ts time series object to be transformed
s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
noctave number of octaves
nvoice number of voices per octave
w0 time/frequency resolution omega0
sw length of smoothing window in scale direction is 2*sw*nvoice+1
tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
swabs length of smoothing window in scale direction at scale s is 2*swabs+1
siglevel vector of significance levels for pointwise test, e.g. c(0.9,0.95), default 0.95.
critval matrix of critical values calculated e.g. by critical.valuesWSP; each row contains critical values for the corresponding chosen significance level.
nreal number of realizations to estimate critical values for the corresponding significance values, default 1000
arealsiglevel significance level of the areawise test; currently only for siglevel=0.9 and for arealsiglevel=0.9 possible, i.e. 90 percent of the area of false positive patches is sorted out
kernel bitmap of the reproducing kernel; if not provided, it will be calculated during the areawise test
markt vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines; when set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
marks vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines; when set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
logscale when TRUE, the contours are plotted in logarithmic scale
plot TRUE when graphical output desired
units character string giving units of the data sets. Default: ""
device "screen" or "ps"
file character string giving filename of graphical output without extension
color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
pwidth width of plot in cm
pheight height of plot in cm
labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5, for presentations: >2
labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
sigplot 0: no significance test plotted, 1: results from pointwise test, 2: results from areawise test, 3: results from both tests


A pointwise significance test is performed either by providing critical values (e.g. from critical.valuesWSP) or by Monte Carlo simulations. If critval and either nreal or siglevel is zero, no significance test is performed. If arealsiglevel=0.9, an areawise significance test is performed, that sorts out 90 percent of the area of false positive patches. The cone of influence is marked by black lines. Values outside the cone of influence should be interpreted very carefully, as they result from a significant contribution of zero padding at the beginning and the end of the time series. For a better visualization, additional dotted lines marking distinct times or scales might be plotted by providing the vectors markt and marks. In the linear plot, values are normalized such that the highest spetral power equals one. In the logarithmic plot, values are normalized, that the lowest value equals 1. The function returns an object of type "wt", that might be directly plotted by the plot function.


modulus here: wavelet sample spectrum of dimension [length(ts)]x[nvoice*noctave+1]
phase not used
s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
noctave number of octaves
nvoice number of voices per octave
w0 time/frequency resolution omega0
time vector of times of length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)
scales vector of scales of length nvoice*noctave+1
critval matrix of critical values
at time/scale matrix of areawise significant patches
kernel bitmap of reproducing kernel



D. Maraun


D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004

See Also

cwt.ts, wcs, wco



wspnino3 <- wsp(nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10,nreal=100,units="years",arealsiglevel=0)

[Package sowas version 0.93 Index]